Thursday, October 17, 2013

Update on Emmy's Ear Mites

We have applied baby oil to Emmy's ears.  We did it for two straight and then a week later and I will do it in a another week but so far that has worked well.  Even after the first application, she looked much better and after the second day there was no sign except at the very inner ear.  Now, her ear looks perfectly normal.  Yay! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ear Mites

Poor Emmy.  It was discovered that she has a severe case of ear mites, not by me, of course, I have been too busy with my paying job-another item to add to my CON list of having that second income.  My son found that Emmy's ear was drooping.  So you know how much crust and infection she has to weight it down. 

So I hit the web and other informational venues to figure out what I needed to do.  Once again, my beliefs about chemicals has me starting off with the least offensive treatment and we shall move up from there.  I did find a blog Rise and Shine Rabbitry with some very good natural tips that I will definitely be putting in my "vet" cabinet.

I am starting with what I have on hand-baby oil.  By the time I got home last night it was almost dark so I am not sure how well I coated her ear by flashlight, but I will be running out there this morning for another dose.  There was also mention of honey-water.  I am not sure that this will work at this stage of infection, but good to know for future (although I hope not) cases or even preventatively. 

Emmy's was not this bad, but this is what it can turn into.