Sunday, November 27, 2016

62 Hours

Egad!  It has been over two months since I posted anything.  Time flies regardless of the amount of fun one has.  Hubby swears it has to do with our age.  I would much rather blame the spinning of the earth or the change in the calendar.

Do you ever get that feeling that you are spinning your wheels?  Do feel like you get nothing accomplished or finished?  You maybe one of those persons who can focus from start to finish-not a hint of ADD.  I am not.   As the season has changed and the leaves have begun to fall, I have taken another look at what we accomplished this year, both pre and post my working off the homestead.  If we passed, it was with a D-.  Maybe I am being a little hard on us, but there are some projects that still are not done from months to years ago.

As I reflected, I began thinking about my time.  What I do with it and how much I have to work with. Well, we all have 168 hours a week to work with.  I would love to sleep 56 of those, although I don't believe that is the case.  I work 40 and I add 10 for the weekly commute to and from.   That leaves me 62 hours a week to do what I chose.  That's a whole other full-time job and then some!  I never really figured that out before.  So what in the world do I do for these 62 hours that leave me feeling like I don't get anything accomplished?  Maybe I plan TOO much and do TOO little.  Maybe I sit on the couch too much writing out menus and budgets.  Maybe I go to bed too early and read my library book too long.  Maybe I watch too many YouTube videos or look up too many Facebook posts. (Actually, I don't get on Facebook very much at all anymore.)

62 hours.  I feel that is a good amount of time to keep the homestead running and get some projects accomplished.  I feel that is enough time to take a few of those hours for me to workout at the gym at work before heading home to try and get into better shape to keep my energy up.  I feel that is an adequate time to cook and clean and keep the home fires burning.  I feel that is enough time to take in a musical in the 'Ville every couple of months to reward myself for all of the above-mentioned.

Honestly, today is one of those days I feel like I did okay with my time.  What did I do?

Made toothpaste
Made trail mix to bag up for lunches
Batch of Hot Chocolate for Hubby
Bags of Hot chocolate

Pizza-ish pockets with my homemade
frozen dough
Also made breakfast pockets-sausage, egg and cheese
Freezer meal-shepherd's pie with deer
One shepherd's pie for supper, of course

Blowing out duck egg
This is what my mom makes
from blown eggs.
 ( I did not inherit
her artistic talent, so I will just continue to
raise the ducks and eggs.)
The kids and I also got 16 PB&J sandwiches and 6 deli meat and cheese sandwiches in the freezer for lunches.  There were still a couple of things that I had planned to make for this coming week (chicken fried rice, blueberry muffins, pancakes) that I did not get to.   I am not worrying about it.  Heck, I already know that tomorrow's supper is... chicken fried rice!  

We did purchase some things from Tractor Supply during the holiday sales to get a new goat paddock/browse with a shelter going.  We are going to be separating the herd a bit. We are hoping that Mollie is bred; she sure is acting like it! and we want to keep her and Annie in the goat yard as they are both disbudded.   Maggie, Tulip and Voldemort will be kept in the new area.  Even though Voldemort is polled (no horns), he still nurses Mollie and that won't fly! So he has to take his chances with his sister and cousin.  We purchased an auger to make putting the posts in the clay soil that has not seen rain in 119 days easier and quicker.  We also purchased a 10x10x6 kennel to modify for a shelter.  That'll use up some my 62 hours next week!  I will try and get some pics of how it goes.  
Hope your week is productive! 

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