Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy Now Year

No, it is not a typo...I am not going to dwell on the past year. I am not going to live for the future. I am going to focus on the now. What can I be enjoying in this season of my life, this moment in time? That is not to say that I will not plan for the future, or remember the past, but I will not ignore the now, as I can easily do.

I am loving the contrast of the cool temperatures and the bright sunny sky. I have been working on my intensive, double-dug beds for the garden. Since there was a wonderful rain a couple of weeks ago, the clay soil has been great to work with. I am, however, running out of compost...I guess it will be have to be straight rabbit manure soon. After the first couple of shovelfuls of clay, I am taking off my coat and pushing up my long sleeves, soaking up the vitamin D in the warmth of the sunshine. Sometimes I catch myself almost smiling in the joy of my labor. It is an odd feeling to enjoy much of anything in January, which makes it even more special.

Happy Now Year, Everyone!

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