Friday, December 28, 2012

I Have a Dream

As the New Year and my 40th birthday approaches, I realize that I am on the back side of life, and I am okay with that.  But one thing that struck a chord, a very loud, off-key chord, with me was a letter in one of my magazines from a lady in her 60s who talked about still holding on to her homesteading dream. 

Admittedly, this scared the bejesus out of me (forgive the Irish).  Oh, no, there is no way I am going to be like this lady who has a 30-year dream unfulfilled, a dream that has the potential to be a reality, yet never has come to fruition.  No, my dream is not a dream, it is a goal, it is an ultimate goal with subgoals already planned in my head and even written out, somewhere, probably on scrap paper stuffed in the secretary desk.  Nope, not me.  Sinking in my chair, I thought, that could SO be me.  My flippant attitude about certain responsiblities and procrastination, (mine and my family's), my impatience, my fickleness, you know, all those good qualities one wants to exhibit in onself, very Jekyl and Hyde qualities that most of the fairer sex possess anyway. 

How am I am going to assure that I do not fall prey to this horror?
Sorry, Asics, but Nike has the answer this time-Just Do It...

I feel assuredly that this letter was printed to inspire and uplift an older generation to carry on, not give up.  But in me it has welled up an urgency to not take life so lightly and get my butt in gear!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Old Dog, New Trick

Sew, I am going to attempt to sew.  This is not an easy task as the nightmare of 8th grade home-economic sewing keeps popping in my head, sending me to a corner in the fetal position.  Well, maybe not that bad, but the 20 year old sewing machine that my mother got for me when I first got married is in pristine condition from no use. 

Well, here goes my first project - a pillow case.  I am loving these mix of crazy colors and patterns that I see on homemade pillow cases.  Of course there are fancy ribbons and embellishments that are beyond my current capability, but gives me a goal.
So a trip to a local Wal-mart produces these combinations for 4 cases.  Being a beekeeper, I decide to start with the bee pattern, but I will use the zebra stripe as the main case, just in case I totally mess up, a very high probability.
A little ironing, a little cutting, a little matching up. Oh, dear, I have got to learn to cut a straight line!  Time for a grid and fabric marker, me thinks.

Well, at least the pillow fits, sort of, could probably fit my king size pillow in there.  Now that I have the basic down, it's time to work on proper technique and hone my skills...a LOT!  But at least there may be hope. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!?!

Wow!  Where has time gone this year?  It was just summer, and now it is officially Winter.  What the heck?  How did I miss it?  Hmmm.  Time for some serious reflection.  Excuse me while I reflect for just a moment.  I will be right back...