Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Attitude Adjustments Needed

I think if you have caught the homesteading bug, it is not something that you can squash by hitting the big cities and shopping malls or by getting a consistent paycheck from an outside source.
I will admit that sometimes that bug can be overshadowed and leave us with a small fever, a slight achy feeling about wanting to fit in or 'keeping up with the Joneses.'  That feeling of guilt or inadequency when our kids are saddened by their lack of the most up to date  electronic gadgets or the most "bedazzled" jeans bought at a high-end department store.  Envy really is not pretty.
These are attitude problems that need adjustment.  Just like your paid-for automobile, your attitude needs an occasional tune-up. 
Am I the only one out there who has this innate satisfaction in putting away freshly starched and ironed shirts? Or the immediate joy in seeing a dirty dustcloth that has done a good job? Oh, and let's talk about folding towels or that first night of laying on sheets just off the line on a sunny Spring day! Am I the only one who really likes her "paycheck job" but only feels satisfaction every other Thursday at midnight when the check is automatically depositied into the bank?  Maybe I am.  But how is that I seem to forget the delight in these daily tasks.  Why do I fall back into seeing the "big picture" of life, instead of the little moments that make!  Attitude.
It is true, I have a part-time job and plan to keep this job to help cover expenses and to get this homestead back on track.  Sometimes I wish I didn't have a job and stayed home full-time, sometimes I wish I had a full-time job because I think it would get me to where I want to be faster (but in reality we know this is completely opposite), sometimes I want to go back to get a "career," now what the heck would that accomplish other than selfish satisfaction?  I am on a path that I will continue on to see where it leads before veering through the poppy field just because it might be a bit more colorful.  As previously mentioned, I had an epiphany of sorts in the realization of dreams.  This has catapulted my goal-setting tendency into full-fledged monarchy, possibly even dictatorship when it comes to our home and homestead.  All I can say is, oh well.  I have let it ride and been nonchalant about little goals here and little goals there and now I can see how that has worked for us. Not too good... So, along with my attitude adjustment, everyone else will be forced into dealing with their own adjustments and tune-ups.  Oh well!
Long live the Queen :)

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