Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday To-Do

I am making my weekly to-do list today, yes, on Tuesday.  Mostly for alliteration purposes, but also as Matt 7:13 says Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. Is that taking it too far?  Nonetheless, I do like to zigzag traditions occasionally.  Hamburgers for Easter dinner (at least its not bacon), feeding the chickens by the feed shed instead of in the coop (it is too entertaining to see them "run" up from all directions when they hear the door shut), I could go on but I have things to do...

This week's chores inside are: 
Of course there are the everyday tasks one must do-laundry, supper, making the bed, general picking up, dust, vacuum, sweeping, etc.  This week I am going to focus on deep cleaning the master bathroom.  I turned on the lights around the mirror and it smelled like something was burning.  Dust.  Good grief!  I will hopefully get that done today.  I need to clean the dining room.  Although we are still needing drywall, I must take it back to a working dining room.  This winter it was the seed starting, chick and duckling rearing area.  All of those things are now back outside where they belong and we can get back to having supper at the table.  Back to zigzagging, aren't I?  To that I have a lot of things to store and clean up (light box, trays and labels, heat mat back out to the big greenhouse, etc.) as well as wash the windows and scrub the floor to make sure all poultry evidence is gone.  I would also like to do some purging in the office now that it has opened up a bit. Before grocery day, I need to clean out the fridge.  I am pretty sure I saw some asparagus that I picked a while back shoved into a corner.  Lord only knows what else may be hiding.  Got my vinegar bottle ready for attack. I have a few food things to do for easier meals for the kids and hubby: make homemade instant oats and pack up the homemade maple pancake syrup for hubby's first break, sausage and egg mini bagels, bacon egg and cheese mini bagels, peanut butter crackers and make a double batch of pimento cheese for sandwiches.  I would make chocolate chip granola bars but our honey supply is so low, I am holding off.  I will come up with some other sweets for my sweets.  The grocery ads come out tomorrow and although I won't buy those boxed, chemically colored and flavored items, they give me inspiration to make my own.  And yes, they are still sugar-laden sweets but a little less toxic I hope.  I will also need to bag up some snack-size grapes, almonds or other nuts for their healthier snacks.  I need to pop some popcorn and bag up in sandwich bags. Those are the main inside chores. 

This week's outside chores are:
This is where I need to focus most of my time this time of year.  There are the basic chores here as well, feeding, watering animals and plants, mowing, weed eating the yard.  I also need to weed eat up the driveway, the 6/10 of a mile driveway.  I need to rake the goat yard.  I don't know where they find all the bricks and sticks and even glass pieces??  I need to fill the raised bed in the garden with our chicken coop/rabbit shelter compost and a couple of bags of top soil that I had to buy since the beds are brand new.  I am hoping to get a few tomatoes, pole beans, summer squash and more lettuce and radishes in this week.  I am going to sow more jalapenos, tomatoes, and flowers (cosmos, bachelors buttons, sunflowers and other bee/bird attractants).  The weather has been so wet that tilling any more of the garden has not happened.  I need to work on my doggy door path to the chicken coop.  I need to straw the ducks, clean the chicken coop, including dusting the corners.  This week is chicken week.  I need to wash all their feeders and water tub, add a little diatomaceous earth and vinegar to their feed and water, respectively. I need to stake the peach tree that is leaning a bit.  I would like to gather some pine needles and mulch my blueberries.  I need to get a hive ready for the bees coming in a couple of weeks.  I am going to put the new girls closer to the garden.  The steps to the back porch have a board that needs replaced.  I will look around the wood pile for a replacement and get that cut and nailed before someone falls (most likely me while carrying a full basket of clean laundry).  I think that will do it for now, unless of course something urgent happens, as it does often, but that's what keeps the monotony away. 

Another thing that I am wanting to focus on is getting some cardio in.  After a winter of testing donut recipes and reading books, I have to get into better shape so that I can do my to-do!

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