Saturday, September 19, 2015

Weekly Agenda 9/20/15

It is that busy time of year again.  I wish I could say that I was busy harvesting from the garden...but, no, not this year.  This year will be different for me as I have no "school-age" children; yes, daughter is in college, but there will be no chorale concerts, no National Honor Society banquets, no award programs to miss because of work...sometimes I wish I had a redo button on some things, don't you?
This year I can focus on family and farm things.  Oh, I hope my ADD doesn't kick in. Focus...focus...

So what is on the agenda for this week.
Well, first and foremost is my mom's birthday.  I need to get her gift ordered and the card in the mail.  Not that I trust the mail...but, I will mail it anyway.
It is going to be a huge kitchen week.  Since we have been on vacation our kitchen is even more of a mess than usual.  (We didn't get to work on the dining/sunroom during our vacation because all four of us suffered from a cold or sinus or sore throat issue that lasted several days!)  I have already cleaned out the fridge and had a bucket of chicken scraps, rabbit scraps and compost.  I am planning to can black beans and pinto beans, freeze any extra that don't fit in my small canner or my jars.  I need to bag up chips for everyone's return to work (yay! Did I say that out loud?). I am going to get my dehydrator out and dehydrate the last of the apples and the beef jerky that is marinating in the refrigerator right now.  I am going to make some buttermilk biscuits to freeze for future use.  I am going to make bread for us to eat and buns for hamburgers on the menu.  Yes, I have a menu again.  It seems like weeks since I have had one.  I missed it sooo badly!  I also bought sandwich bread to make PB&J sandwiches to put in the freezer. 
I am going to attempt to set up a table this next week at the farmer's market.  One is in our hometown and has a cute little carport but I have never seen anyone there for the last two years.  So, I thought I could make some bread, cookies, rolls and maybe a pie and throw a sign there Friday afternoon and maybe sell something for some extra cash.  If not, I will head to the next town over where there are a few more people that set up on Saturday morning and see what arises there.  So Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be major baking days.  Worse comes to worst-we have extra sweets for lunches and co-workers.
I need to finish covering the garden with the plastic film to kill off as much of the centipede grass as possible for next spring, as well as throw some compost on my one raised bed that I am keeping.
I would like to build a cold frame to put in the front yard-between the rosemary bushes and the honeybee hive. 
I would like to start some lettuce seed indoors so when that cold frame is ready, I have something to put in it.
I also need to start working on a wheatgrass/fodder system that we can grow throughout the winter for the animals for some extra nutrition-and if I feel yucky I might just juice some myself. 
My berry bushes need some pruning and mulching and mowing around.  Not sure if I will get to that just yet. 
It is almost time to put some bulbs in the ground for spring too.  I am going to keep my eye on any daffodils or grape hyacinths that might be priced nice.
I think that is a good start for this coming week.  Hopefully, my cold/sinus issue will be 100% resolved by Monday so I can dig right in!

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