Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sabbath Sunday

Oh dear, I find that my Sundays are still busy.  This is the day that get everything ready for the working people of the household-those working a job outside of the home.  There is baking to do, snacks to fix, laundry to have clean and available, alarms to set, lunches on the ready.  I do think this should be the first day of the week for housewives and stay-at-home moms.  This is the day that can make or break the trajectory of the rest of the week.

Thank goodness this is the day of worship as well.  We need all the prayers we can get to keep moving while everyone else wants to quietly mentally prepare for the week in front of the television, as we physically prepare-usually in the kitchen.  It can be a bit frustrating sometimes.  But, if you don't do it, it really only makes it worse on you.  Don't you hate it when that happens!?

That's okay, bring on Monday.  I have my daily list and dry-erase marker ready to go!

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