Monday, May 23, 2016

This Week's To-Do List

It's getting crazy around here.  There seems to be so much to do and I am having trouble keeping track.  So, to help me focus I am getting back to my to lists, even though it is not Tuesday.
This is one of those payweeks that falls right when everything seems to be due.  When you live on one income and have bills from the two income days, it can be a bit challenging.  I am even running low in my pantry on essentials.  Ahhh!  Luckily we have a good supply of eggs and milk from the farm, so no worries about starving to death. 

This week's inside chores:  Wipe out fridge.  This is easy with lack of groceries.  I need to go through the office and sort through papers: mail, recipes, receipts, scrap paper.  I also need to clean the forever remodeling dining room: pick up the tools and painting supplies awaiting their use again.  I am waiting for my snap tool and snaps to arrive still, but I have my material for my unpaper towels.  I hope to at least get those cut out and ready for sewing.  I think I have enough freezer fodder to make pimento cheese (without jalapeno).  I will need to bake some bread with my last bag of flour.  I also need to get the menu honed after taking a good inventory of the pantry and freezer list and see what I can make for lunch boxes and then hit the grocery store.

This week's outside chores:  This is where the majority of my time will be.  I still have several vegetable plants in the shade house that need to be in the ground so as to make room for fall vegetable sowing to commence soon.  I have tomatoes, cucumbers, jalapenos and even some watermelon I think.  I need to weed the cucumber bed that has morning glory seedlings starting to come up-oh I dislike those things!  The baby baby rabbits are big enough now to go into their tractor/cage and give mom a break. I will need to make sure we have one available, if not, hubby will have an evening chore to do.  I need to clean out the garden coop and throw that refuse on the compost pile.  The bees need a honey super added and both hives checked.  I need to cut back some of the shrubs around the front steps and deck.  I also am moving the adult chickens closer to the garden and this involves a new fence as well as converting old dilapidated rabbit hutches into chicken coops.  I will be tearing those down to build them back up-one at a time. 

Other than that, I think I am free.  Heehee. Wish me luck!

I will also try to be getting my blogging back on track.  It really keeps me motivated when I can see what I have done.  Sometimes it's hard to think you are doing okay when you look too far ahead at what has to be done rather than what you have done.  Balance, right?

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