Monday, February 29, 2016

What To Do With An Extra Day

Happy Leap Day, Leap Year Day...I don't know the correct greeting. 
Here is a snippet of my first 7 hours (5 am-noon) of this extra day.

Banana bread with the last two overripe

Put in baggies so it is ready for lunchboxes

Sorry, Buffy, I am taking them!

Checking on the goats OR
vice versa

Everybody has food, water...and milk

Perfect day for the clothesline
Can't wait to pull out the outdoor laundry

Gathering pine needles for the smoker

One hive still has honey; this hive is weak
hive beetles :(

Temp in the greenhouse; may be time
for a shadecloth
I am so behind on seedlings, but
tomatoes are coming along nicely

Someone hiding behind the cold frame
Going to start a few taters today-I should
have checked the almanac!

As always, smooth going *sigh*
Time for a new hoe handle

Potatoes planted
Water break!
 Guess it's time to get started on part two. 
Everyone have a blessed day!

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