Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Tuesday To Do (A Day Late) 2/3/16

Last week's inside chores: 
Declutter calendar.  Basic cleaning schedule.

Last week's outside chores:  
Clean chicken coop.  Check bees.  Wood ash on potato plot. 

I raised the fence line for escape artist, Max's, back home, as Brie is getting closer and closer to birthing and he has to be far away from any milk so as not to taint it. I am going to have a hard enough time convincing hubby to drink it.

This week's inside chores:
Continue the declutter calendar.  It's going okay.  This week is about organizing recipes and cookbooks.  Oh, they have no idea what they ask! Hubby's fishing lures and my cookbook obsession.  The shame.  So for the next week my specific declutter chores
Current cookbook shelf-Ahh!!
in temporary residence until
dining room is finished.
include: Gather recipes and decide on method to organize. Sort and organize into categories. Declutter cookbooks. Declutter kitchen small appliances and gadgets.  (Dehydrator, grinder, slicer, yogurt maker, etc...I think I have a problem in this area too!) Declutter plastic grocery bags; switch to reusable.

Continue the cleaning schedule.  I am hanging a list in the kitchen and bathroom so if anyone asks if there is anything they need to do, all I have to is point or have them look at the list. 

Call the car dealership and schedule an appointment to have a recall notice taken care of, and go ahead with an oil change. 

Make breakfast burritos and put in freezer.  Bake bread and cookies.

Continue baby chick care, and prepare for baby duck hatching.

I did purchase a 5 lb bag of seed potatoes and need to get those cut and ready.

Mail Valentine Day cards to the family in Indiana.

This week's outside chores:

Weather is going to be warm but wet until the weekend (then the temp will drop again).  Some things will be put on hold, but most have to be done anyway.

Clean out the chicken coop/duck coop.  Straw and pine shreds have been purchased.  

Continue to check the bees when it is dry enough.  It's getting past time to purchase another package or two!

Make sure kidding stall is ready for Brie with fresh straw and feed and hay, as well as a new water bucket handy.  Have Pritchard nipples, bottles, iodine, and extra colostrum ready in case there are more than two-pretty sure there are.

Car needs tires.  It goes over 100 miles 5 days a week with hubby's work and daughter's school.  Hopefully daughter's car will be fixed after tax refunds come in.  The car really needs a minimum of two, but I need to figure out how to finance this.  More than likely we will purchase used tires to last another year.  Two for the price of one new one.   They do have a "rent to own" tire place where you make payments on four new ones, but I am sure the price is exaggerated.  I can't look at just the immediate cost.  I am saving up for the car taxes due in March, and if I am still paying "rent" on tires.  Nah, that doesn't make sense, does it?

For it being winter, it sure is busy on the farm, ain't it?

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