Monday, March 21, 2016

Food Friday

Do you feel like you are in a rut in the kitchen?  The same meals over and over and over...
It's especially true when you are on a tight budget and try to buy bulk to save and stretch.  Now that the coldest days are past and soups and stews are no longer as appealing, it is time to mix up the menu a bit, just a little anyway.  That means that my menu will be dependent on whatever the stores put on sale though.

Aldi had fish on sale so I bought a package.  We had fish tacos and baked tilapia from it.  The California vegetable medley was also on sale for 95 cents.
 I went through the freezer and found our rooster quarters from this summer and some from a huge 10-pound bag and figured I needed get those cooked up too.  Baked chicken quarters, cauliflower bake and green beans.  We barbequed the rest and had potato salad with it.
We will still have our beans and cornbread this week, especially since the hog jowls were reduced.
Even trying one new recipe every once in a while seems to help rejuvenate the chef in me, especially if it is a good one.  Another thing that really re-motivates is finding a little shop with some really awesome, wholesome ingredients, such as the cornmeal and wheat flour.  Time to bake again!  Why do I bake in the summer more than the winter?? 

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