Friday, March 25, 2016

Working in the Greenhouse and Garden

I repotted some aloe vera plants.  There were 10 baby aloes to divide and pot up.  This is new to me.  I read that you aren't supposed to water them for a month or so after repotting.  And if they survive the month, you are all clear.  Maybe that is why it did so well through the winter; it got forgotten quite a bit.  That's my kind of plant!

I have tomatoes and various peppers that I am in the process of transplanting to 4" pots.  I had to order some soil mix before I could finish and went to pick that up today.  I get to play in the dirt again tomorrow. 

It is also past time to get the garden tilled up.  I laid black plastic down last fall to try and kill some of the torpedo grass.  It seems to have done a fairly good job and the clay soil is actually "tillable" with a shovel.  Nonetheless, we are going to rototill it and get it ready for plants soon.  We had to buy a new battery for the tiller today so we can get it done! Always something, ain't it.

I am behind, according to the yards in our area, in mowing as well.  I will get the mower out this week and get it in shape for the summer.  Hubby is charge of the weed eater.

I have onions up and my cabbage is slowly progressing; no rabbits have found it yet.  I am getting excited about getting some things out in the dirt!  I know it is a tricky time and could be a little early, so I am being as patient as I can. 

I did sow some marigolds, petunias (way late) and I also have cantaloupe, zucchini and cucumbers (too early probably).  I can't seem to help myself.  When I have new soil mix, a container of seeds and a nice day, I go a little crazy. 
I guess I really need to get out the Clemson planting schedule and Farmer's Almanac and see what I really should be doing.  Well, for now, I have to get out the old nail brush and do some scrubbing before fixing supper. Or I could just paint my nails brown...

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