Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Tuesday To-Do 3/15/16

Last week's inside chores:  Too many to remember.
Last week's outside chores: Too many to remember.

Okay, I could list them all, but let's just leave the past in the past.  Time to live in the present and work on the future.

This week's inside chores: Follow daily schedule and cleaning routines.
Lots of food prep to catch up on.  Oats, trail mix.  I don't think I need to make any more hot chocolate mix now. 
The weather is now at the point where we can leave the heat and AC off. I will be changing filters and doing some furnace dusting and checking, even though it's on its last leg.

We finally have Kilz on the dining room wall.

This week I hope to buy my paint and get that finished over the weekend.  Getting there, I suppose.

Speaking of paint, I also need to repaint some of the hive supers and get them ready for our bee package as well as a possible hive split this year. I will check out any oops! paint while getting mine.

Time to get the poor houseplants out of doors, at least move to the greenhouse for some fresh air and sunshine.

This week's outside chores:  Let's face it, for the next several months, most of my chores will be outside. 

Transplant tomatoes into 4" pots.  The peppers and parsley need a little more time.  My basil croaked when I decided to go to town one day and forgot to turn on the fan.  It got too hot in the greenhouse.  :(  

Time to dig the garden.  I have cabbage and onions in the ground.  I had potatoes, but something dug most of them up and those have to be replanted.  I will be sowing some more seeds this week.  I will also be direct sowing some lettuce and radishes.
I also need to reinforce my garden fence so that our rabbits don't crawl under and feast on anything.

Continue to buy and spread bags of mulch on the path.

Barn clean up and preparation for Mollie's due date in the next week or two.

Move the stanchion to a better place until after the last kids are born.

Find duck eggs.  Daisy has been preparing for Easter and hiding her eggs since I don't let them in the garden anymore.  Should be 7 or so by now. 

Burn leaves, limbs and debris from the fall and winter.

I would like to restack some of the firewood so that it is "in order" for next fall/winter.  But we will see what the weather does. 

Most importantly, well, not really, but it is time to set up the outside laundry area!  Yay! 

Have a productive week!!

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