Friday, April 21, 2017

Food Friday 4/21/17

Time to get back to menu planning!  I am finding that the animals are eating better than we are.  Why is that?  We have all done it and I am slipping back into it.  Create a menu, buy a menu, however you get your menu, you have it.  You buy all the things to make the menu.  Then, by Tuesday, the menu isn't appealing or you have missed something and have to make something else.  I can honestly say when I was home full-time, this wasn't as big of a problem.  Having a full-time job outside of the home, this is harder for me.  I do NOT want to get back in the car and get something.  I do NOT want to try and cook a huge meal or "homemade" meal that takes more than 30 minutes-and that seems extreme!  I will send the boy to get something unhealthy, or call hubby to pick something up on the way home, or we have an incomplete meal.  Just meat and potatoes, just meat, just salad, sandwich.  Who knows!  As I said a couple of years ago.  I get sales ads on Wednesday and Aldi starts sales on Sunday.  I have notebooks full of various menus, frugal, busy, clean eating, vegetarian, and let's not even talk about the cookbooks, pinterest recipes, etc.!  I am a little angry at myself for falling off the wagon on this. Yes, I can't, well, I won't,  make a glorious homemade meal every night with fresh baked bread, grass-fed meats and slow-roasted veggies with a fresh salad out of the garden.  But, I can do this once in a while with planning, can't I?  
So, what is going on this coming week? 
Well, I let my son pick out a menu...bless him. *sigh* It is an old "Frugal Mom" menu from Menus4moms website a few years ago.  I will do it though. So, what is planned? 

       Lunch-vegetable soup using up any of the veggies that are getting a little old, as well as opened boxes of broth.
       Supper-Swedish meatballs, green beans
      Considering strawberry pie as hubby wants and strawberry cake maybe

       Brunch-pancakes, bacon, milk.  Freeze some extra pancakes
       Supper-Orange and Chili pork, long grain and wild rice, peas (new recipe)
       IF time and inclination, I would like to make a pizza to take for lunches tomorrow, as well as make some biscuits to freeze for later in the week.

       Lunch-hopefully pizza from last night
       Supper-Baked ravioli, broccoli
Sounds like a heartburn kinda night, doesn't it? 

       Lunch-leftover ravioli and broccoli
       Supper-Creamed beef over biscuits, fruit of choice (fresh strawberries are in season right now and hopefully have some picked from Saturday, organic apples are on sale, so it might be a bit impulsive fruit choic)

       Lunch-frozen PB&J, bananas, trail mix
       Supper-Crockpot Orange chicken, rice, stir-fry vegetables

       Lunch-Leftover orange chicken or another PB&J sandwich 
       Supper-Sloppy joes that I have canned, cottage cheese, salad

      To Be Determined.  I will try to get back into the swing of things and have it covered next week!

My To-Do List for the menu
1. Cook and freeze extra pancakes
2. Make biscuits to freeze
3. Make pizza dough if none in freezer
4. U-pick berry patch Saturday! 
5. Freeze 2 bread loaves worth of PB&J; consider getting sliced turkey breast for frozen turkey sandwiches too.
6. Make and bag trail mix
7. Make hubby's morning oats and bag. 

Grocery List:
sour cream     cheese ravioli (refrigerated section)     frozen o.j.     frozen peas
ribs                 frozen stir-fry veggies                           dried beef?   egg noodles
grn pepper     long grain/wild rice mix                         chili sauce    balasamic vinegar
flour               bananas                                                oatmeal        pepperoni
buttermilk      cottage cheese                                      romaine        salad ingredients
jelly                peanut butter                                         bread           

I think that may be all.  I will see what it adds up to and let you know.  I have gone over Publix sales ad and found a few things that I want from there.  Particularly because of the $10 off a $50 gas card if I spend $50 on groceries.  For example, frozen family entrees are $3 off and those come in handy on those I CANT COOK TONIGHT days.  Kiwi for hubby, organic gala or pink lady apples, 8 cans of tuna for $3.83, baked beans for quick side dishes when we grill, Wishbone dressings are BOGO, Kerrygold grass-fed butter is on sale, Hunt's tomatoes are BOGO, there is a good deal on papertowels.  AND yes, I am even considering things that are horrible!!! even besides the papertowels, Klondike Ice Cream (it would keep me from eating a whole pint of Ben&Jerry's and then eating whoever hasn't finished theirs by the morrow!, and BOGO Eggo waffles for either easy supper sandwiches or lazy breakfast days.  I haven't got these things yet, maybe I will meet my $50 minimum with just the organic fruit and tuna...but I have a contingency plan, as horrible as it may be.  

I will post some pics, if only for the accountability of it!  

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