Friday, April 28, 2017

Time to Make the Laundry Soap

I wish I knew the last time I made my detergent...I can't say how long it lasted.  Yes, I could do some research and let you know exactly, but I really need to do other things.  ( I will make tags/labels so I can let you know next time.)

 This was just enough to get one more bottle out of it.  I am really glad this batch is finally done.  It was actually a fail.  I did not let my soap melt well enough and it made very clumpy soap.
I don't scent the whole bucket though because I am a bit fickle, only the bottles.   My new favorite flavor is peppermint, tea tree and sweet orange. I love the way that essential oil combination makes my clothes faintly smell.  I also will add eucalyptus in a bottle every now and again.  I am sorry, but I am tired of all things lavender smelling. I have always been a citrusy girl anyway.
 All the empty buckets, dippers, bottles and things need a good scrubbing to get rid of the soap buildup.  Not a hard chore at all.
I know I have showed this before and probably have better pictures.  I grated one laundry soap bar (the smaller the grate the better and faster) and melted in about 4 cups of water on the stove.  Once that was melted (about 30-45 minutes),  I add 1 cup of washing soda, a little over 1/2 a cup of borax and 8 cups of hot tap water to my bucket and start stirring.  I slowly add the melted soap into the bucket, trying to avoid making too many bubbles that will turn to a top layer of foam.  I get that all thick and pasty and then begin adding hot water (8 cups at a time and stirring) until the bucket is full.  Right now this is sitting and melding and gelling.  Tomorrow morning I will open the lid of the bucket and get my hands in there to break it up and get it as smooth and combined as possible and let it sit until I am ready for it.  It will actually be another week since I just made a fresh bottle this morning.  No more worries for months! Yay!!

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