Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Online DocuSeries

I am sure I am months to years behind on these online Documentary Series.  Luckily, I have been notified of two recent ones that were sent to my inbox or can be found on YouTube.  Thank you to those of you who send me links to register for these! 

The first one I watched, every night, way past my bedtime, The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest. You can find the website here: http://thetruthaboutcancer.com/ or you can search on YouTube.  It confirmed what I feel in my gut.  Basically, that cancer is a big moneymaker at the expense of individuals' health and wellbeing. I don't mean to belittle anyone who has had cancer or who has undergone "conventional treatment."  I have an aunt who is a survivor and a grandmother who is not.  It just doesn't sit right with me how we dedicate a whole month to "the cause."  I can't fathom that these billions of dollars spent on pink is really making a difference.  And, booyah! This series has so eloquently put my feelings onto the screen for everyone to see and hear.  (No, I don't believe any of these professionals interviewed used the word "booyah.")  It was filled with so much common sense and science proving that God has provided what our bodies need to be optimal if we just do a little looking around, a little elbow grease, and a little restraint of our flesh.  This is not the first series either, so I am going to have to watch previous episodes when time allows this winter to see what else I can learn. 

Playing now is a new one called The Search for Sustainability, by Nathan Crane.  It can be found here: http://theselfreliancesummit.com/the-search-for-sustainability.  Admittedly, I have not been as excited to watch this one as the last one.  Maybe because a lot more action needs to be taken with this one.  That being said, I have already plotted out a permaculture design for the front portion of the yard that has been a thorn in my side, as well as given me hope for the isolated land that has not had a specific use yet: This could be the answer.  So, even though not as exciting yet, it is motivational nonetheless. 

There will always be disease and suffering.  There will never be a cure for everyone for everything, and it certainly won't be in pill form sold by Big Pharma.  But there is knowledge of old that is still around if one wishes to look for it; knowledge that can make our lives more enjoyable by giving us more physical energy and mental clarity and spiritual fortitude.  Who doesn't want that? 

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