Saturday, July 29, 2017

CVS Trip 7.27.17

I think I have a problem.  An addiction.  If it were only alcohol or's coupons and extracare bucks and reduced item sales...sigh

On the way home, I stopped at CVS to get some shampoo.  We were completely out, really.

This is what I got at that CVS:
No extracare bucks with that purchase, but that's still a nice bargain for that size shampoos and a body wash.

I went ahead to the grocery store and a different CVS in a different, but close, town.  I got this:

I did get $4 of extracare bucks on that last purchase.

To summarize, for less than $10,  I got 4 shampoos, 2 conditioners, 1 body wash and 2 feminine hygiene products.  I think I had better make a "household/non-food grocery" budget soon!

Monday, July 24, 2017

Hypocritical Savings

Let me start by saying that these are not the best products for health and I know it.  The chemical-laden hygiene products are detrimental to our health and environment and I am not a big proponent of what these companies stand for.  At the same time, I am grappling with my purse strings, trying to keep them as tight as possible.  It's easier to say pay now than to actually do it.

So, judge me as you may, this is what I did today.  

I got my toothpaste and body wash for a total of $.35.  (I also got $3.50 worth of extracare bucks to spend on something else next time. Some folks would say I got paid $3.15 to take Colgate and Irish Spring off their shelf.  I personally look more at the out of pocket that I have to spend because that $3.50 will be used at another time and I don't want to double count it.)  

Regardless of how I feel about the products, I can't deny it was a terrific deal.  

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sunday Sales and Short Menu Plan

On my journey to remain frugal while I work, I am trying to take advantage of stretching my dollars the best I can.  I also want to become a more responsible adult by planning for things and being prepared in advance.  For example, I make my own turmeric capsules, so when Mt. Rose Herbs has their turmeric powder on sale, I want to make sure I have the funds to bulk up on it.

Today, Hubby, Daughter and I went to town and three different stores.  Our first stop was Tractor Supply.  I got Hubby 10 pairs of new socks.  (Next week we are going to get him new boots to try and keep his socks from getting holes very quickly.)  He also got a Wolverine wicking T-shirt that was on clearance.  We went to see if any rope was on sale. Sadly, it was not.  I know the $12.99 rope will be $5.00 sometime.  I hope to hold off until then. We spent $19.24 on Hubby's wardrobe.

Our second store was Belk.  This is an example of the tasks I am trying to become that responsible adult.  I have been wanting to get some new towels for some time now. Our towels are becoming very thin and holey.  They have been with us for over 10 years.  I waited until I could afford some decent, non-walmart towels that I think will last.  I bought three new ones at 45% off.  I spent $24.58 there.

The next stop, Ingles grocery store.   I spent $41.15 there.  My groceries include:
tortilla chips 1.98 (Hubby's request)
salsa  3.18  (Hubby's request)
chocolate banana milk 2.00 (Hubby's request) ugh!
dry great northern beans 1lb  1.00  (added to the jar)
whole wheat baking mix, out of the clearance buggy 1.44  (not my usual buy, but thought I would try)
NZ water, out of the clearance buggy   .50 ( I was thirsty)
2  half-gallon buttermilk  2.70  (Time to freeze some biscuits!!)
1 gallon organic whole milk 3.00
32 oz cottage cheese  2.18
8 oz cheddar cheese cubes from deli dept.  2.00
16 oz Sour cream 1.67
roll of paper towels 1.00 (I still haven't made my unpaper towels!)
5lbs of chicken thighs  3.99
organic chicken legs (10)  3.13
country style pork ribs  2 packages  6.89
broccoli, cauliflower, carrot and cabbage slaw 16 oz 1.49
2 organic lemons for my tea and water 1.76
I also got a couple of catalina coupons on this trip:  75 cents off string cheese and a free pint of halo top ice cream (?).  Maybe, maybe not.

My menu plans for this week:
Today is chili and PB&J.  (Yes, it's 100 degrees out, but that's what sour cream if for). I had ground turkey, red peppers, onion, garlic that I cooked in a little EVOO.  I added the leftover tomato sauce (rinsing my jar with water to get every ounce of sauce out and the frozen kidney beans I had in the freezer. Finally, I added my chili and cumin powders.  When it was up to temp, I ladled it over a couple of cheese cubes and topped with jalapenos, sour cream and love. (This pot will last all day and probably lunch tomorrow!)

Monday-Crockpot BBQ ribs, broccoli/cauli/carrot/cabbage slaw tossed with mayo, vinegar and sprinkle of sugar and some suntea.

Tuesday-Hot legs (buffalo chicken legs), carrot sticks, cottage cheese.  I hope to use these organic bones for chicken stock (I haven't used bones from buffalo cooked chicken, so I will probably just freeze this stock in case it is "off"

Wednesday-Crockpot Thai chicken thighs with rice.  (I found Thai Red Curry sauce at Aldi for  .99 last week.  I will add this to the thighs and maybe throw in some green onion and mushrooms from Aldi .69)

Thursday-Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans and buttermilk biscuits.  (I have 65# of ground beef coming from Zaycon Wednesday that I have to put away!)

Friday-French toast, bacon and fruit salad (I have some cinnamon syrup that I accidentally bought many months ago and have not opened-that's not how I want to be).

Saturday...TBD.  I am going to see what leftovers we have and what I can make with them.

This will leave me just a few little things to shop for this week, i.e., green onions, fresh seasonal fruit for Friday's meal AND I can check out if anything worthy is marked down then!

Creating a Routine with Work

So I have had an outside-job for over a year.  As I mentioned, I was extremely blessed to have found this position-again. I am so thankful.  But I cannot lie, it is very hard to not do the things I used to have time for and that gave me pleasure (hand washing clothes in the heat of the summer morning, gardening large).  I do, however, have extra cash to do the things I couldn't afford before (fence paddocks, build building additions).  Time and money - that famous balancing game.

I have not done a good job at home.  There is SO MUCH that I need to do.  Honestly, I can do it if I change my routine up a bit.  I figured up in the past that I had 62 hours a week to mange.  I have wasted it away for quite some time.  It is time to get into a routine and stick to it!

I have ordered a planner-you know one of those fancy ones that you can use stickers and washi tape on.  NOT that popular expensive one.  I don't do popular.  I was able to customize it a bit too!

My first custom category is DAILY.  I know, this is the mundane that shouldn't have to be categorized.  I am hoping that by next year/new planner, this customization will be changed.  This is a new beginning and I am taking baby steps.  I want this to cross off things.  Bed, dishes, trash, vacuum, etc.  I want to put my daily laundry list on there.  This is more of a motivational category for right now-seeing those things crossed out will make me feel like I can do this.  A little psychological fame for my brain.  There will be certain things on certain days as well.  Friday, probably shopping day (I am still debating if I would rather figure out the "mark down" days for the stores I frequent), Saturday is project day, and Sunday is the Sabbath.  No work, only rest, leisure, planning in my planner and crockpot.

The next category is ROOM.  Every day I am going to focus on 1 or 2 different rooms.  For example, Monday is bedroom.  Tuesday is bathroom and yard.  Wednesday is living room and office.  You get the idea.  Everyday I take a little extra time to go a little deeper into cleaning these areas.  I will make a permanent assignment once I give it some trial and error.

The last customized area is ANIMAL.  Just like rooms, I have an animal of the day.  Right now it is fairly simple.  Monday is rabbit, Tuesday and Thursday is goat, Wednesday is chicken.  I am hoping to get turkeys, ducks, pigs, sheep and maybe someday a cow.  Every day I focus on the animals: check feet and nails, ears and eyes, clean out their homes and feeders.  Make sure they have all the extras like vinegar in the water, mineral salts, etc.

I also got some add on pages to help with meal planning, budgeting and making sure I am taking care of myself too.  I feel confident that this planner will help me to hammer out my chores efficiently and have a little fun to plan them.  Fingers crossed.