Saturday, July 29, 2017

CVS Trip 7.27.17

I think I have a problem.  An addiction.  If it were only alcohol or's coupons and extracare bucks and reduced item sales...sigh

On the way home, I stopped at CVS to get some shampoo.  We were completely out, really.

This is what I got at that CVS:
No extracare bucks with that purchase, but that's still a nice bargain for that size shampoos and a body wash.

I went ahead to the grocery store and a different CVS in a different, but close, town.  I got this:

I did get $4 of extracare bucks on that last purchase.

To summarize, for less than $10,  I got 4 shampoos, 2 conditioners, 1 body wash and 2 feminine hygiene products.  I think I had better make a "household/non-food grocery" budget soon!

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