Thursday, March 22, 2018

Simple Living is Complex

I yearn for simplicity, or a preconception of what I think simplicity feels like.  I can look at a picture of an Amish bedroom and feel the calmness of it.  A simple room that has a bed with beautiful quilt, a chair, a dresser, a kerosene lamp and a bible.  Ahhh, yes.

Unfortunately, I am finding it harder to do and slip in and out of this Western culture of consumerism, possession and, well, dumbness more often that I care to admit.

This past Black Friday my family went to town.  Can you believe that??  I poke fun of those people buying two televisions because it was a great deal.  We had a purpose, so it was okay that we went.  *eyes rolling*  We were on the hunt for a new bed.  Hubby's back and sleep was suffering as was mine.  So we ended up purchasing a larger bed than we had-a queen-sized!  Our double was just fine, shoot, when hubby and I were newlyweds, we started out in a twin.  We obviously were both a lot skinnier back then. Anyway, we bought the bed (on a 2-year payment plan-really a payment plan for a bed!) and it was going to be delivered the next day.  So we went home, cleared out the bedroom:  the current double bed, 3 dressers, 3 nightstands, tons of pictures and other useless items here and there.  We actually filled our son's old room.  As soon as the room was empty, it felt like I could breathe slower.  It was wonderful!  The bed came.  Because it was bigger we had to change its location.  We had to move the dresser and didn't fit in the room right either.  Ugh!  Does this mean I have to get a whole new bedroom suite??  Maybe someday.  For now, we are making due.  THEN there is the fact that I had to get new sheets to fit the bed.  I can't just throw away all these double sheets-they are perfectly fine.  We do have a double bed in the spare/son's room.  I will just store them in our closet...somewhere... For weeks I had only the one set of sheets.  Wednesday is sheet day.  I strip the bed as soon as Hubby heads to work, I get them washed, dried, put back on and the bed made before supper time.  Every time I made the bed on Wednesday afternoon I dreamed of another set of sheets so the bed could be made immediately while I was still fresh and productive early in the morning.  For my birthday, my dream came true.  A new set of gorgeous queen sheets!  Yes!  The first Wednesday after my birthday I jumped out of bed, pushing Hubby out the door so I could make the bed and blow raspberries at my old sheets in the wash pile and get to them when I wanted.  I washed them at the same time I always had before, I mean I can't just leave them in the floor at my leisure...but now, they didn't go back on the bed...they didn't have a home...they had never needed one.  Seriously, why was I so unhappy with having one set of sheets.  They were still relatively new and beautiful.  It worked.  Now I have to make room.  I have to find a place to store them!! Noooo!!  This is what I was trying NOT to do.  *sigh*

This pursuit of wanting, not needing, has caused just a bit more stress.  Nothing that is going to send me to the ER with chest pains, but it is a little more to contend with in life.  I am trying to purge extras, not purchase extras.

That Wednesday afternoon following my 45th birthday taught me a lesson that I don't think I will forget, at least I hope I don't.  Simple life is not simple.  It is hard work both physically and mentally.  It is keeping the concept in your forethought constantly.  If you forget or get distracted and get just a little greedy for a quicker option, an easier option, you have lost something of yourself, a piece of your peace.  If that sounds a bit overdramatic for you then know that you just lost a little space in the closet that used to be just that, space, sweet, calming space.  Whatever it was, it is gone.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tuesday To Do

We'll get back to this also.

Last week's inside chores: NA. 
Last week's outside chores: NA. 

This week's inside chores:
Obviously I am behind on my planner.  As I mentioned, I am having a hard time getting into a routine right now, and my planner reflects that.  It will improve. 
Caulk bathroom.  It hasn't been done (right) since the last time I did it.  It is time.  
Bake some bread and cookies for home and for a benefit for a church family member.  
Can.  I haven't even used my new canner yet!!  Black beans and re-can jalapenos. 
Make laundry soap.  I am down to my last jug and my bucket is empty. 
Make soap.  Mom, daughter and I are going to start a batch of soap for personal use and to sell at the farmer's market.  We are doing an olive oil soap that takes a year to cure-the best soap, and also a different cold-pressed soap that will be ready in a month. 
I need to start cleaning out the sunroom so it can be finished.  Right now it has lots of shoes, tools and...what is all that??  

This week's outside chores:  
We need to finish putting in the gate for the new goat paddock and they can then be moved. 
I need to gather all equipment (lights, feeders, waterers, puppy pads, totes) for the chicks, ducks and turkeys coming next week.  
I need to clean the goat barn and goat yard for the baby goats due. 
I need to finish planting the rest of my gladiolus bulbs. 
We need to continue to clean up debris from all around the property, including the old corn crib with tons of jars, the greenhouse with old pots and other trash from around the place.  Hubby got a little trailer from work so we can continue to fill it up and take it to the dump.  

Fingers crossed I can keep my energy up and this drainage and cough suppressed enough to get this and hopefully more done!  

What is in your planner this week?  I would love to see a picture! 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Menu Monday

Let's jump back on the wagon with this...

Of course, I only plan the suppers.  Breakfast is hit or miss and is usually oats or cream of wheat.  Sometimes I get a little crazy and do a green juice or smoothie.  Lunches are usually leftovers or those infamous frozen sandwiches (peanut butter and jelly or meat and cheese) and little extras like trail mix, fruit etc. except on Friday, Saturday and Sunday when Hubby is home.  

Monday-sliced ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad
Tuesday-taco salad
Wednesday-minute steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, buttermilk biscuits, green beans
Thursday-ham and beans, spinach, cornbread
Friday-brunch (veggie egg scramble, sausage, fruit)
          French onion soup
Saturday-ham salad sandwiches
              buffalo chicken pizza 
Sunday- Sunday dinner as decided by mom and myself

Extras: Banana bread x 3 (eat one, give one, freeze one)
            Buttermilk biscuits (freeze 30-40)
            Mini breakfast bagels (entire bag)
            Canned cranberry juice 
            Canned black beans finished up
            Dehydrate onions that mom gave to us.  I may sauté these to freeze as             well in 1/2 cup portions.
            Artesian or French bread to go on the soup.

I honestly don't remember how I used to grocery shop the last time I was home or if I even had a system-was it a two-week menu?? Regardless of the past, I am finding it cost effective to get whatever I can find that we will eat on "clearance" or reduced  specials because of expiration dates.  I do occasionally pick up something a little off the beaten path such as the pork necks I got for super cheap and little smokies that I got for less than 50 cents a pound.  Specifically, I peruse the produce, meat and dairy for now (I have 3 goats pregnant and should not need a lot of milk products for much longer). I bring those items home and preserve them, whether it's in the freezer, dehydrator, canner, fermenting or just use them.  Of course, most of the items are either frozen or dehydrated.  Does that sound familiar?  I also check out the sales ads for anything I still need or is a good value. 

This week's menu is based off just that:  Deals found last week and other inventory that needs used soon. 

1. 24-pound ham 99 cents a pound
2. Taco meat in freezer from a month ago
3. Leftover potatoes from last Sunday's dinner of potato salad I made. ( I may be bartering my Yukon gold for some russets that we got for mom. What a privilege to have my mom several yards away) 
4. #10 can of green beans from Sam's.  I had considered trying to re-can into smaller jars.  I just haven't done that yet.  The family does not prefer the frozen green beans from Sam's for some reason- too long, stems still attached, squeaky to chew...may be a preparation issue huh...
5. Bananas 25 cents a pounds (I can always grab bananas on the cheap)
6. Mini bagels and bagels were on instant savings at Sam's.  A dollar saved is a dollar...saved. 
7. Minute steak was on sale 2.99 a pound.  That still hurts me; I remember when I would wait for the $1.99 per pound sales.  Oh well, times change and I just don't see that price here anymore. 
8.  Onion soup from the onions I won't be preserving that mom gave me. Apparently 15 pounds was a bit much for her to handle for now.  I will definitely give her some of the spoils when I have them.
9.  Spring mix and baby spinach was on sale. 

I think that is most of the deals and inventory I already have.  Hopefully as the weeks go by it will be easier to see what I have, what I use and how it works for the greater good. 
I am not pretending that what you find on clearance is the healthiest of choices. I do hope that I am putting enough other good stuff into the meals to balance it out a bit.  I am also trying to keep the portions a bit smaller to stretch the budget and shrink the waistline. 

What does my Tuesday shopping list look like? (We go Tuesday for triple fuel points.) 
Clearance finds - to be determined
tomatoes for salads
iceberg or romaine lettuce
full fat buttermilk

I think that is about it as far as needs.  I may not even need the butter if I dive into the bottom of my freezer.  I have an inkling there is some hiding down there.  

Do you plan and then buy or buy and then plan or do you fly-by-the seat-of-your pants? What are your best menu tips to help me get back on track? 

Happy cooking! 

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Back to the Farm

I have been back to full-time at-home wifery and husbandry (animal) over a month now.  I hate that I am still not in a routine, cannot find my rhythm yet!  There is just so much to do in every category, every zone, every acre, every inch.  That's okay.  I am here because of choices that I made and that is okay. Admittedly, some things are coming back...some things are not.  I had to read my own blog to remember the dish soap that I made, but I can still make a buttermilk biscuit okay.  

As I take those small steps back to where I left off many moons ago, I will get back to blogging, bulk up my vlogging and keep a record of goals, accomplishments, failures and even those mundane moments that make up most of life for the cyber world to read, see and judge if they must. 

Honestly, I am not sure if I am better or worse off than before.  I am older and hopefully wiser.  I found it very hard to stay out of the rat race having a 9-5 job, even if it was a job that I dearly loved, working with people that I dearly loved most days, and having quite a good income for my education and experience, but I do not regret taking a leap of faith and following God's voice for my path.  

Things have changed over the course of the last two years, some significantly.  My son has moved out of the house.  My mother and step-father have moved back onto the land into their own home just a garden away.  

Now that I have a new-used computer, I will be starting back with my Tuesday To-Do List, Menu Monday, Financial Friday and other bits and pieces of our lives.  I hope that you can re-join me on our family's journey back to the farm.