Sunday, March 18, 2018

Back to the Farm

I have been back to full-time at-home wifery and husbandry (animal) over a month now.  I hate that I am still not in a routine, cannot find my rhythm yet!  There is just so much to do in every category, every zone, every acre, every inch.  That's okay.  I am here because of choices that I made and that is okay. Admittedly, some things are coming back...some things are not.  I had to read my own blog to remember the dish soap that I made, but I can still make a buttermilk biscuit okay.  

As I take those small steps back to where I left off many moons ago, I will get back to blogging, bulk up my vlogging and keep a record of goals, accomplishments, failures and even those mundane moments that make up most of life for the cyber world to read, see and judge if they must. 

Honestly, I am not sure if I am better or worse off than before.  I am older and hopefully wiser.  I found it very hard to stay out of the rat race having a 9-5 job, even if it was a job that I dearly loved, working with people that I dearly loved most days, and having quite a good income for my education and experience, but I do not regret taking a leap of faith and following God's voice for my path.  

Things have changed over the course of the last two years, some significantly.  My son has moved out of the house.  My mother and step-father have moved back onto the land into their own home just a garden away.  

Now that I have a new-used computer, I will be starting back with my Tuesday To-Do List, Menu Monday, Financial Friday and other bits and pieces of our lives.  I hope that you can re-join me on our family's journey back to the farm. 


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