Sunday, July 21, 2013

My First Garlic Harvest

Garlic.  To roast, to stir-fry, to ward off vampires or spouses. 
I love the smell...on my hands for days.  I love the feel of the papery skin.  I really love smashing it with my knife and going all ninja on it.  No wonder they say it is good for stress.  Kiai (or hi-ya)!
Seriously, the health benefits of garlic are pretty amazing.  Most people have heard that it is good for your heart by helping to reduce blood pressure, blood thinning properties, as well as reduce cholesterol.  We use it for the antiviral and antibacterial effects.  It is suggested that it helps diabetes and insulin control, as well as cancer prevention, and just general detoxification.  Why aren't I eating garlic everyday?  Oh yes, the bad breath, tummy troubles, including gas or nausea, and as mentioned the juice can seep into your skin and can be irritating or just odoriferous.  I think it is worth it anyway.  After years of hearing about the benefits and learning to love garlic, I decided to add it to my garden.

I recently noticed with all the rain and/or lack of care other than some straw mulch on top, they were either drowning or were ready to harvest as they were turning yellows and browns and there were some already flowering.  Why not, I decided to go ahead and dig them up.  Worse comes to worst I will plant more next year with a little more TLC. 

Donning my boots, folding up my yoga pants above my knees and grabbing my shovel, I headed to the garlic bed somewhere between the 6-foot asparagus plants that are in full fern and the strawberries that are "running" rampant.  (I am so embarrassed and ashamed at the state of my garden that I HAVE to post pictures so everyone can feel better about themselves in the very near future.)

 It is a small harvest, but it is mine and I love it...
Getting ready to dry


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