Sunday, July 7, 2013

Vacation Day 5, 6, 7 and 8

Day 5
We decided to hit the town today.  We did an early celebration of our 20th anniversary by eating out at a steak house and going to the movies.  A few years ago we had thought about doing something fantabulous for our 20th-a tour of Europe or a week in the Bahamas, something a bit more flamboyant, but as I am transitioning, ever so slowly into this "simple" way of living, I am wanting what used to be common and mundane to be special.  As a child, how awesome was a trip to McDonald's?  I could count on my phalanges how many times our family went.  Of course, a TV dinner was awesome because mom cooked every meal from scratch, including garden fresh veggies or at least canned in the winter (except for the winter a "friend" and I busted over 100 jars of green beans and tomatoes on a brick wall-I was only 5 but I shall never forget the consequence), meat from our chicken and rabbits-so boring...oh, how I wish I had paid more attention!  Closer to the present time, yes, eating out was something the kids, hubby and I did often, going to the movies was not as often because Bruce is not a movie watcher, but it was not a great occasion either. We are paring down our entertainment from Hollywood and moving toward Home Depot.  I am much further along than hubby is, however.  It is still work versus accomplishment to him.  But he will get there, he will get there.  He is turning to the dark side :)  

Day 6
Rain...lots of rain...lots of laundry in the dryer...*sigh*

Day 7
Happy Independence Day.
Rain...lots of rain...laundry is done...*sigh*
Fireworks on television (not quite the same)

Day 8
Yes, rain, lots of rain...But one exciting thing was we clipped the wings of the little red hen, whom I now to believe to be an Easter egger.  She had been living solo in the front part of the storage buildings/garage (we assume) and would eventually end up in the chicken fence with the others near feeding time, but would fly out and rarely be seen.  Well, we caught her yesterday and I clipped her wings.  She is not happy about this.  She spends much of her time in the coop.  We still have one more to clip-the speckled Sussex.  But then again, will this really do any good when I let them out daily to free-range??  Oh well.

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