Monday, July 29, 2013


I have an affliction.  When I walk through the produce section and see those bags stuffed with ripe/overripe bananas for $.99, I HAVE to get one!  I will even go so far as $1.49.  Oh, the joy that floods my heart. 

Let's move ahead 30 minutes.  I sit at the kitchen table, staring at the bag of bananas.  I probably already have a gallon bag of peeled bananas in freezer.  Since my oven is still on the blink and I can't bake muffins, what am I to do to cover my tracks of being the Banana-Bag Bandit??  Banana pudding would be pretty good.  But I don't have any pudding. 

Why not make it from scratch? I am sure Caroline Ingall's did not go to the Olsen's for pudding mix, so I need not either.  So I stand in front of the bookshelf in the kitchen that holds my 100s of cookbooks.  Hmmm?  Then I grab my daughter's iPad and hit the web...the shame of it.  Nonetheless that is what I did. 

I assembled the ingredients and made some vanilla pudding, added a couple of bananas and voila! 

Now, what to do with the other 15 bananas??

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