Saturday, August 17, 2013

Farmgirl Sisterhood Project 1-Beginner Level

I love magazines.  I could name a few HUNDRED that I like to read, but I won't go there.  There is one that has a "sisterhood."  Check out their website at   It is like a grown up Girl Scout Troop.  There are badges to obtain in all areas of life.  From cooking and cleaning, community, crafts and Christmas.  There are something things I do, some things I would like to and some things that scare me to death to even think about doing.  But I want to do it! Although I may not go as far as "joining" the troop at this point in time, and obtaining the official badges, I think it would be fun for my daughter and me to step out of the box and try them on our own.  Maybe pick out stickers or "badges" that we like and display them somehow.  I let my daughter pick the first project. 


Sarah chose Going Green.

Beginner Level includes:
Get rid of all cleaners in your home that are not "green." 
Okay, that is great if you are made of green.  Unfortunately, I am not going to throw away every cleaner in the house and go out and buy all eco-friendly products or make ALL of them from homemade ingredients.  Unfortunately, my dabbling in couponing at the drug store chains has provided us with non-green cleaners for a while.  *head bent in shame*  That being said, as I run out of what I have, I will definitely be looking into replacing with "green" cleaners or more than likely making my own. (Not off to a good start, am I?)
Write a mission statement for your house pledging to use only green cleaners in the future.
"I pledge to bring in and use only green cleaners into my home in the future."...check!

Keep a green journal of recycle and green living ideas, recipes, plans and projects and share it with someone.
I could be mean and steal one of my daughters green notebooks and call it my green journal...but I won't.  This can be used for all of those homemade cleaner recipes I intend to look up and use in the near future...check!
If your house is already "green", make a gift basket full of green products for a friend or to give away as a housewarming gift. 
Well, I hope that you are further along than I am and this is your step; feel free to drop the basket off to me at work or here at home-just kidding.  That is one of the reasons this Sisterhood Scout Project appealed to me.  It takes us outside of ourselves and gives joy to others, and isn't that where our real joy lies anyway.
Won't you join us on these challenges and tell us your journey? 

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