Tuesday, August 6, 2013

O Ye of Little Faith

Fear, intimidation, inadequacy.  All of those things you feel when you compare yourself to someone else's ability instead of focusing on your strengths...what strengths?  I haven't found them yet.  Oh dear...

What brought on this angst?  The local Tuesday night Farmer's Market.  Saturday the tables were good and plentiful, but I could see many things I could improve on.  That sounds snobby doesn't it, especially from someone who has only assisted a parent in setting up a table once!  Improve is not the word; many things I would like to do differently.  Tuesday, however, a different story.  There were all the ideas I had in my idea notebook.  There were most of the items I was hoping to have on my table that would set us apart.  And they were BEAUTIFUL! *sigh*

I am so glad I went and got a good dose of reality.  I had been so focused on the market table that I lost sight of actually doing the work to put something on that table.  There is that "both feet" mentality rearing its ugly head. 

What is the main objective of my homestead?  Is it to make money at the market?  That would be a wonderful side effect, no doubt.  Or, is it to provide my family with healthy food, hard work that heals a soul and a sense of accomplishment whether it be finishing a fence, enjoying frozen strawberries in January or preparing breakfast with the eggs gathered just moments before in the freshly cleaned and straw-ed coop?  Yes, it is the latter. 

Whew!  Thank you Lord for that reality check before I upped and quit my job without having had a successful tray of soap or a bucket of tomatoes to put on that fabulous table that resides in my imagination.  Nonetheless, I am still keeping that table somewhere between file 13 and the trophy case.


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