Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday 5.14.18

Hello Monday!
Did you have a good weekend?  Hope all the Mothers had a wonderful Mother's Day.
This weekend I pretty much took off the best that a happy homesteading wife can.  After the 1 o'clock milking, feeding and watering, Hubby and I took a little trip on the lake.  It was a nice time, but it was sooo hot!!  I got a few good pictures.  I was too excited when I saw two bald eagles and didn't get a good steady shot of either one-can I blame the rocky boat?  It was a nice 4 hours off the farm but still in nature.

Thought it was a bird until I got close

Lots of gar in one cove


Smallest of Hubby's four catches

Deer were thirsty too

Just released catch of the day

Catch of the day-tee hee hee

She's watching me...

Still watching me...little creepy
For Mother's Day, we took Mamaw to the Artisphere in the Ville.  This is her caliber of art, not my painting on the feed barrel art, but true professional artists with prices to match.  We tried to convince her to prepare for her scratch art exhibit next year.  I think she would do quite well.  Once home, hubby and daughter helped put up some strawberries we picked Saturday.  (Not good form in leaving them overnight, but they did not go to waste.)

What's on the agenda today? You might see a certain routine starting to develop.
 I will do some basic "after the weekend cleanup."  I also will be going to town to pick up a few some flowers before the rain tomorrow to get those in the ground, some groceries for this week's menu and to drop off a library book.  When I get home and get all the animals well-watered, fed and somewhat comfortable, I will do some canning and baking after lunch. Luckily it is a crockpot day so supper should be fairly easy.  In fact, this week is a little heavy on the crockpot, but we are supposed to get rain for several days so that will be nice.

Hope you have a productive and blessed day!

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