Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tuesday 5.8.18

My time management is horrible!!  
Obviously, yesterday was not as productive as I had hoped.  Let's go over the list.  I started out well.  I listened to audiobible while I cooked breakfast.  The impact of bible study was insufficient.  God deserves sitting down and focusing on his Word that I hold in my hand, not listen to someone else's voice while I fry eggs. 
I did just fine until daughter and I tried to bottle feed the babies...yes, the wheels fell off at about 8 am.  It may have been too early and they weren't hungry.  It did not improve when we went to pick berries.  I did not account for the time it would take to get to the acres (25 minutes) and the actual picking time (30 minutes for just over 2 baskets-which, by the way, yielded 2- 1/2 gallon bags in the freezer and about 4 cups fresh for eating) and we stopped at a local grocery to complete my grocery list for the week.  I didn't get home until close to 11.  Yep, way off my timeline. I would like to interject here that we did have to follow two yearling deer running down the middle of the road for over a mile.  One turned off after probably 1/2 mile and ran off into the woods.  The other...poor thing was going back and forth between lanes and did not veer off until it came to a dirt road that opened into a field.  I have never had such an experience before.  He will be on someone's table this fall most likely, if he makes it that long! 

Being a negative Nelly, I will tell you what I didn't accomplish...
1. Power hour cleaning ended up being only about 30 minutes. And I REALLY needed to finish.
2.  Didn't get to the chicks' barn or equipment, which is a must-they might even be here today and I will not be ready!! This was trumped by the shortness of strawberry-picking season.  Will this be a huge mistake?? 
3. I didn't get to go through my receipts and do the checkbook.  Another MUST.
4. Hubby got the mail for me on the way home because I did not make the walk to the mailbox.  Remember it is over a half-mile one way so don't judge me too harshly. 
5.  I didn't make barn freshener .
6.  I didn't deposit the check.  
7.  I didn't get the Sam's cheese divided and in the freezer. 

Now, on the other hand, I got the colors and towels caught up, which was 5 loads that I hung on the clothesline and got all put away.  So I am caught up and back on schedule with the laundry.

It was a beautiful day.  I really enjoyed the animals.  Milking two new Nigerians was a bit of an adventure, but all in all Tulip and Maggie were good. The babies did not care for the bottle at first feeding.  Millie did awesome the rest of the day.  Minnie choked a bit and would just hold it in her mouth.  Poppy was too hoppy but got a little.  Cinnamon got the leftovers even though she should be just about weaned!  

Last night there was a thunderstorm that passed through about 10:30 or 11:00 or so.  I don't quite remember.  It was a toad strangler!  Sounded like hail on the roof. 

I slept really well before that and after that.  In fact, this morning's cell phone alarm went off for about 4 minutes before I was cognizant enough to know what it was.  EEK!  Might have to change that gentle little chiming.  

So what is on the Agenda today?
Lots of leftovers undoubtedly...
I wanted to work outside most of the day, of course, this was planned before it rained.  I am hoping most things won't be too wet in the garden.  I may not be able to use the cultivator to plant some of my potted plants and herbs I need to get in the ground, thai basil, pineapple sage and I still have tomatoes and jalapenos too. Cleaning out the barn and gathering/ washing equipment is critical status.   Here is the rest of the list.  I have not been quite as ambitious with this list...

I hope your day is blessed and productive! 

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