Thursday, August 6, 2015


I love watching Day In The Life videos on YouTube-it's not like I have anything else to do, right?  Occasionally, when I am feeling a little lazy, this can be motivating; when I am feeling quite lazy, it is a wonderful waste of time.  Although I don't have a YouTube Channel as of yet, it is coming in the near future.  So, instead of video, I am doing a post of a DITL on Lost Arrow Acres, a not so typical day when we have the car for errands.

5:45-Up with Hubby who is taking the farm truck today so I can take Daughter to work and head to town ( a very rare event).

6:00  Hug Hubby bye and back to the bedroom and strip down the bed.  Tomorrow is hand washing laundry day, so today I am washing jeans, towels and bedding that is more efficiently washed in the washer.  In goes the blanket and pillowcases.

6:15  Read the Bible and prayer for family's protection as we venture off the farm.

6:40  Check out e-mails, internet ads to get a headstart at town.  Get distracted by other websites, JoAnn's, Sam's, the list goes on...Back to reality as the dog barks.  (Thank you, Lord.)

7:10 Open the fridge to see what leftovers there are.  Phone rings.  Hubby called to wish me a good day and tell me he loves me and assure me he made it to work in the old Dodge. 

7:20  What was I doing?  Doesn't matter, the washer has been done and it's time to put in Hubby's to-work pants.  He changes there but has his old ones he wears to and from work.  I am going to fill the laundry basket and hang everything out at once.

7:25  Back to the fridge to pull out the cucumber salad that is almost gone and put it in a smaller container.  Rearrange the leftovers, moving the oldest ones in front to be eaten first.

7:30  Dog barking strangely.  I go to the bathroom window and ask him what is wrong?  Hercules does not reply but I do see that two ducks (Bo and Luke) are outside of the main garden fence.  Err! 

7:31  Knock on Daughter's door and tell her I probably will need her help getting the ducks in. 

7:32  Muck boots donned and out the door.  We try to corner them on the small strip of ground between the greenhouse and their original yard.  They pace back and forth.  Daisy and Cooter look on until they take off running when the late-blooming rooster jumps over the chicken wire (worthless height!) and starts chasing Daisy full speed.  I hop the fence, pick up the feed tray and waylay him before he catches her.  According to Daughter, I hit him hard enough to flip him; I was picking the tray back up and preparing for more battle, but he flew back over the fence and I chased him back past the tree.  Then I realized I had duck poo on my hands from the bottom of the tray-ewwww!!  Girl moment.  I rinsed them in the 5-gallon bucket that catches the water that leaks from the hose connection.  I picked up the tray and realized it had a hole in it.  Humph!  No longer a good feed tray.  The ducks made it back inside the fence by themselves. Really!?!

7:38  We go ahead and feed the animals.  Ducks get fed in their broken tray. Daughter turns on the hose and fills the pool.  Rabbits get food and water and covered back up by the shade cloth.  Then comes the hard part.  We get Max out and Brie and Mollie in so we can feed them and let them eat somewhat peaceably.  Daughter stays out and makes sure Max doesn't do anything stupid, or at least watch him do something stupid.  I go ahead and shake the chicken tube feeder and feed and water the rabbits.  No eggs yet in the nests.  Once the girls, Brie and Mollie start fighting a bit, we know the food is gone.  At that point we lead Max back inside the goat yard and put more food in the large rubber feed bowl so all three can start out eating and then Max wins and the girls go off.  While I was feeding the rabbits, apparently Max was headbutting and actually bit the dark gray rabbit's ear.  We have 3 or 4 free bunnies that wait by the feed shed for us to finish up so they can have a bit of pellet food too. Well, I checked his ear and I don't think Max did it, but there was a big old scrape on his inner ear, so I go in and grab the animal medical bag and a glove.  I spray Blu-Kote on his ear as he and the white bunny are eating their kibble.  Of course, the spray hits the ungloved hand.  Errr!  Back in to finish laundry.

8:15  Hang out bedding, work pants and bee suit on the line.

8:30  Blog about the morning so be continued.

1:55  Back from town.  Between 9 and now,  I got ready to go to town.  Daughter got ready for work.  I went to Hobby Lobby and picked out material for my apron.  I hit the dollar store for a few things (foam plates for our art projects to put paint on, latex gloves for cleaning and animal care, drink additives (Hawaiian punch packets) for Hubby's lunch, a couple of containers for a variety of size for leftovers).  I got a loaf of bread at Aldi's.  An older gentleman let me and the woman in front of me go ahead because we each only had one item.  I thought that was very kind and asked the cashier if I could contribute my change of four dollars to his grocery bill.  I hope that blessed him half as much as it blessed me.  I made a stop at Wal-Mart and got some more sewing items, treats for the family and did not get a dehydrator that I had hoped.  There wasn't one in the store.  So, I will wait a bit.  I made it back home around 1:15 and after putting all the bags in the house I immediately went to ice the bunnies and give the animals fresh, cool water.  I came back in and had lunch.

2:00  Clean the kitchen back up.  Turn on air conditioner and fans.

2:15  Get the clothes off the line and finally make the bed. 

2:35  Vacuum house.

3:00  Talk on the phone with mother.

3:45  Check out facebook-update cover and profile pics.

4:30  WHAT?!  Where did the time go??  Son home from work.  Time to go pick up Daughter from work. 

5:20  Setting up ironing board and pre-washing my fabric. 

5:40  Talk to kids a bit, even though both buried in cell phones.  Toast and burn buns while making hamburger patties.

5:50  Scrape black of buns and shrug.

6:10  Answer door.  Folks from church stopped by.  One of them bought some honey with comb and told us about Saturday night out at a local BBQ place.  (Saving money for a night out with some ex-coworkers so won't be able to afford that.)  See them Sunday.

6:30  Supper finally ready and Hubby home.

6:45   Eat and clean up.

7:00   Take care of animals.  Dry fabric.

7:30  Iron fabric and look for good scissors to cut out pattern.  Hubby and daughter joined in the search to no avail.

7:45  Pout because can't find good scissors.

8:00   Play on iPad, looking and listening to new ideas, while Hubby watches TV. 

8:30   Shower and get ready for bed. 

9:00   Sleep tight in clean bed....ahhh! Good Night and God Bless!

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