Monday, August 3, 2015

Is Today Easter?

The caveat to free ranging chickens is the possibility of rogue nests.  That's what I found, a clutch of 10 eggs between the front step and the imprisoned killer dog, Hercules.  Daredevil hens!  A couple were small, so the new girls are picking up some bad habits.  I have plenty of eggs right now, so instead of freezing them like the frugal wife should, or even giving them the float test, I decided to just take them to the pond and sling them over the now tall bushes along some of the edge.
I started slinging them and off flew four ducks.  Awww!  If I had known I wouldn't have disturbed them.  I do hope they come back, considering both neighbors are avid duck hunters. 

I left one egg with specks in the nest so maybe they will continue to lay there and not move to another unknown place.  Of course their nest boxes would be nice.  They did find a nice little hole between the holly bush (ouch) and the old fashion rose (ouch).  Kudos for that.  I still get three or four in the nest boxes a day and thought maybe our hens were suffering from the heat a bit.  If I were selling them to regular customers or low on stock, I would keep them penned in their coop until later in the day, but since neither of those scenarios apply, eh, let them do their thing.

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