Thursday, December 3, 2015

Late Fall Update

I thought this was the South; it turned cold all of a sudden.  Well, I guess it is December. 

Boy, this last month has flown by and the Holidays are here!  The hubby and kids spent Thanksgiving in the Midwest with family.  I was here for two reasons: 1)  I had to take care of the animals, and 2) I was in much need of a break that I used for prayer and fasting.  It was a wonderful time.  Growing up as an only child, alone time is very restorative, not lonely at all.  Besides, I have plenty of animals to talk to :)

We are trying to get ready for the winter.  Wood carried up from the holler.  Straw and pine shreds in the barn stalls and coops. All kinds of little maintenance projects to be done.  I tried to put "noodle" insulation with duct tape over the spigot in the goat yard.  Well, I noticed Brie had duct tape stuck to her chest and the actual Styrofoam stuff was partly scattered over the yard and partly missing.  I am sure that's healthy for them!  Guess we'll have to figure out plan B. 

Since it's been cool and rainy and dreary, I have been in the kitchen more. Makes for better meal planning, doesn't it? 
There has been some nice slow time though.  For everyone. 

As we head into the hustle and bustle of the holidays, remember to take time to enjoy the important things, you know, the things that can't be wrapped or bought on Black Friday. 

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