Monday, June 29, 2015

Tuesday To Do

Besides the new zone cleaning schedule, this week there are a few extra things to get done. 

Hubby is going to weed eat the top of the driveway, so nobody sprays weed killer on our land. Yes, it has happened and it has caused our bees distress.  

I need to set up the shade cloth that my mother sent to me to provide extra shade during this killer heat (literally killer, we lost two rabbits) over the rabbit tractor, and also allow us to move the tractor out from under the Leland cypress tree that keeps them the coolest, but no grass to eat. 

I also am going to sow broccoli, cabbage, kale and lettuce for the cooler weather in a few months.  I am also going to attempt to take a few softwood cuttings, including the Leland cypress to plant on the southwest side of the house for cooling shade in about 3 or 4 years.  I also would like to try the weigela and forsythia bushes, as well as rosemary.

We bought 50 pounds of potatoes at a large local flea market for $14 and I need to preserve those; canned potatoes and frozen hash browns.  I am going to see what else I can do to store them.  We do eat a lot of potato salad in the summer and a lot of potato soup in the winter.

My hope is to get a lot of food prep done in the mornings and during this two-day cool down so that supper time is easier. 

I have been very lax on my record keeping, both farm and financial.  I am going to get caught up on my home binder and price book. 

To be honest, my zone cleaning trial did not go well because of an illness.  Not be too personal (pssh-yeah, right), but I had two days of extreme fatigue and could just barely do minimal chores and then Thursday I had extreme stomach pain and sweating, most likely a virus, and after that experience and about an hour nap, I woke up feeling better and finally more energetic.  So Monday's list went fine, Tuesday and Wednesday, not so good, Thursday was out of the question and then Friday is mostly free time. get the idea.  I still think this will work and am going to continue on day by day until it comes naturally.  If not, well, at least I got some good detailed cleaning done :)

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Popper Pain

I love me some jalapeno poppers.  Cream cheese, cheddar cheese, bacon and of course the peppers.  So simple, so yummy.  I decided in the 100 degree temperatures that would make a great snack.  Obviously, my decision - making process was a little lacking to begin with so one shouldn't expect any great genius at that point. 

I grabbed the two bag of jalapenos that I purchased at Aldi ($.69 each bag), the cheddar cheese block ($1.59) and the cream cheese ($.89 from the freezer) and set them on the counter.  Daughter got the box of bacon from Sam's out of the freezer ($1.90/lb) and laid out about 4 pieces to thaw.

I washed all of the peppers and began cutting and seeding, combined the cheeses and stuffed the pepper halves, and finally wrapped the bacon around them.  After I put them in the oven, I finished cleaning the kitchen and washed and dried all the dishes-the normal cooking duties.

They finished cooking and I divided them out for everyone and put a few away for later.  We all enjoyed them greatly, eating them in front of the extra cooling box fan as we watched the Family Feud participants try to win the big money. 

All of a sudden the top of my left hand started to feel like I it was inches from a ranging fire.  What in the world?  It got more intense until I could think of nothing else.  I grabbed the iPad and researched jalapeno skin burn.   To ease capsaicin oil reaction, try milk, lemon or lime, apple cider vinegar, aloe, cooking oil (olive, canola, coconut), water compresses, and so on, so forth. 

I slyly took everyone's dishes into the kitchen and proceeded to pour a bowl of milk and stuck my hand in it.  It had an immediate cooling effect but nothing long lasting.  The family saw this and thought I had lost my mind.  I explained what an idiot I was by deciding not to use any gloves to cut these dozen jalapenos up.  They agreed.  Rubbing a lime on my hand reacted the same-short lived success.  After an hour or more of this discomfort, I tried my facial moisturizer-a homemade concoction of olive and coconut oil and rubbed it in.  The sting dulled immediately, not as completely as the other two had done, but eventually the sting died away. 

Even now there is a slight tightness to the skin.  Yes, I more than likely will not only wear gloves when cutting peppers but will probably also don gloves when picking peppers just because.  Hmm, I guess those warnings in recipes are there for a reason.  Who knew!

Nonetheless, they were yummy :)


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tuesday To-Do 6/23/15

I spent some time creating my own "Zone" cleaning schedule.  With the daughter home to help a bit, I am hoping to get on a nice routine and eventually knock out these 7 zones in just a few hours time daily.  I have watched and read several different ladies routines and have come up with this trial run.     Everyday has its own AM routine, 7 zones, and PM routine, except for the weekend.  Saturday is Project day, and I have created a project list.  Sunday is food prep day, and it too has a list of suggestions, as well as room to add more for all of the things I have forgotten.  There is also a monthly, quarterly and annually page so all things are checked before they deteriorate beyond repair. 

Admittedly, one day is finished but I really think this is going to be a good fit for me.  I have all the pages in sheet protector and tied with ribbon hanging the wall.  I marked them off with a dry erase marker and will wipe it off next week.  This allows me to see what I didn't get done and need to start with next time.

Of course, there will be exceptions.  For example, today the temperatures are going to be so hot that the animals are going to be checked every hour with fresh water and new ice bottles and the outside chores will either be put off until a cooler week or only spend 10-15 minutes max on them.  Hoe garden, mow yard, weed flower beds...just going to have to wait at this point.  But that's okay, because it will be there next week waiting on me, or I have built in FREE TIME on Friday if something really needs to be addressed, and of course there is always project day to catch up.  So no anxiety about it. That is the best thing!  Don't worry, be happy!

What daily routine works best for you?

I have included an example list of my Tuesday page.


Make Bed
Laundry as listed
Animals fed and watered
Garden watered
Plants watered
Declutter ad lib
Vacuum as needed 
ZONES-1 hr. ea. max
1: Wipe walls
1: Clean fridge
1: Clean oven
2: Clean tub
2: Wash shower curtain
2: Wash mats
3: Wipe walls
3: Vacuum corners
3: Wash blankets, sheets
4: Corner cobwebs
4: Clean bookshelves
4: Clean fireplace area
5: Clean goat barn
5: Clean goat waterer
5: Clean goat feeders
6: Hoe row garden
6: Weed flower beds
6: Mow/weed eat garden
7: 1 bag of porch trash
7: Organize bee equip
7: Trim plant overgrowth 
Lunches packed
Trash out
Dishes done
Sweep/Swiffer bath and kitchen
Dry sinks
Declutter ad lib
Menu visited
Vacuum as needed


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Food Friday 6/19/15

I didn't get a picture of my haul today.  I had to ice the bunnies and water the animals as soon as I got back from shopping and my daughter put all the groceries up for me. 

I did spend $56.82 at Aldi and $21.23 at Publix.  A bit over budget, okay, a lot over budget, but I really need to get some quality food in here.  I am changing our menu a bit because of increasing health issues, summer heat and change of palate. 

The kids were gone tonight and hubby ate almost a whole bag of chips and a whole jar of salsa (1.19 and 1.89 respectively)from Aldi's and drank about 1/2 gallon of tea, so I was really the only one ready for supper so I fixed what I wanted without any qualms. 

I had chicken quarters thawed in the fridge, so I trimmed off the meat and stir-fried it.  I cut a red onion, half of a yellow and half of an orange pepper, 2 cloves of my garlic from the garden last year and boiled some long grain rice.  I added pineapple chunks and tamari.
Groceries from this week:  Multi-colored peppers-$2.99, pineapple-$1.49

Because of the heat this week, I have been making cooler, less cooking time foods.  Pasta salad, steak salad, chef salad, egg salad, etc.  You see where I am going with this.

Luckily, eggs, tomatoes, radishes, and cucumbers are coming in on daily so there is a good supply.  Meat and protein is being used as a condiment.  That is why I am okay with buying more expensive cuts and quality of meat because it will go further. 

Feel free to send me any good, cool recipes to try this summer.  I am definitely going to spend some evenings perusing Pinterest too. 

Happy, healthy eating! 

Somewhat Silent Sunday 6/21/15

Daisy Mae's first egg!

Lunch from the garden

Won't make much wheat flour-better save seed for planting

Cucumbers still blooming

No bees on the bee balm

Waiting by the "doggy door" for free range


Picking blackberries

Time to study peach trees-not ripening :(

Some weeds are beautiful

P. S.  Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Butcher Day *VERY GRAPHIC* View at own risk

The four roosters were getting a good size and the hens were trying to fly the coop, literally.  We decided, despite the brutally hot temperatures, it was time to get these birds in the freezer.
Off to the cone

Let the skinning begin


Notice the ceremonial bandana

Oopsie, dropped a kidney
Farm fresh leg quarter vs. grocery store

Ready for the freezer!

 Because the roosters went so smoothly, we decided to go ahead and do a rabbit too. We have about 8 more to do, but it will have to wait until tomorrow, or even next weekend if the weather might cool a little. 
Grass fed rabbit was full!

Risqué rabbit

Digestive system was working well

I will be attempting to tan some hides next time.

The rooster breast bones are in the stock pot for some...stock.  And the backs of chickens and rabbit are going to be cooked down, pressure cooked and made into dog and cat food-hopefully. I will let you know how that goes.

I also froze the livers, gizzards and one heart.  I am not a big fan of the organ meats-in anything-but I am sure that there is big nutritional value in them, whether it is directly as in fried (which probably negates it) or indirectly as in simmered in the broth.  Worse comes to worst-fishing bait! 

We now have at least four meals in the freezer-but for steps. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Honey Extraction Hive #1

This hive is old.  This hive experienced TWO swarms this spring.  We are a little concerned it won't pull through.  They left the old queen and her spotty brood.  We may try to pull a frame with eggs and larvae from the pond hive to help.  The pond hive will be split soon and it may be that we have to combine this hive so as not to lose them completely.  We also need to replace all the old deep foundation that has turned dark and unappealing, to me at least.

Regardless, we did pull some honey from it and left one full super for them as the nectar flow comes to an end soon.   I am very disappointed in our harvest, however.

A special thanks to daughter who used her new camera to take some great pictures!

Honey line shows between 2.5 - 3 gallon