Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesday To Do 1/19

Last week's inside chores: 
Declutter calendar. Some of it was done.  Pantry refilled. Food inventory. Sewing.

Last week's outside chores: 
Max contained. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K3mYb6l0MQ 

Yard cleanup.  Goat stall. Bird feeders.  Chicken coop cleaned.

This week's inside chores:
I am going to try to get some more of the declutter calendar accomplished.

I need to bake!  I need to bake bread, buns, biscuits and pizza crusts.

I need to work on the office.  It has been the storage area since we have been working on the dining room.  With daughter back to school, it would be nice for her to have a comfortable area to study if she wants to come out of her room. 

I am hoping to have one or two chicks hatch in a week, so I need to have an area for them.  I need to get the heat lamp and tote back out.  (I won't put them outside in their new brooder until Mad Max is out of the coop.  That little hellion.

This week's outside chores: 
Pick out potato plot and cover with wood ash from fireplace.

Clean out the chicken coop/duck coop.  Sprinkle with DE.  Check the bees daily.  We have had to supplement the newest bees with non-GMO sugar water.  And right now, they are going through a quart about every 2-3 days. 

Continue yard clean up on sunny days.

Clean out car.  Since I rarely drive the car, let alone have it to myself, I don't keep it up.  The last time I drove it there was dust on the dashboard, who knows what was on the middle console.  The floors needed vacuumed.  There was coats and papers and books and bottles and stuff everywhere!  We need to get the oil changed too.  And I need to look into getting a tire for the front passenger.  Some quick budget cuts are in order.  I can't have daughter commuting 3 hours on school days on a worn tire!

As proven by my list, my motivation on this Tuesday is a bit lacking.  This is in part to now knowing exactly when Brie is going to be giving birth and being available for that. And it is cold.  I am officially acclimated to the South.  Or, the fact that there is no snow during the cold.  Snow is fun.  Cold crunchy brown grass is not. 

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