Friday, May 15, 2015

Food Friday 5/15

I have been thinking...oh's true, it usually is not a good thing.  Can I blame it on YouTube?  Well, I am going to.  I have watched a few menu/grocery haul-related videos and am really interested in trying a 30-day menu, buying bulk groceries.  I know, as I have said, 10-day menus are sometimes pushing my limits, but I have got to try to stretch that dollar even further, especially with the end of the school year (and high school career for my daughter) and now I have to provide breakfasts and lunches everyday. 

And if that it isn't enough to mix things up, I really liked seeing the pictures of the dinners that some YouTubers put up.  Is that weird?  Is that where the "food porn" phrase comes from?  I can stop looking anytime I want to; I just don't want to... Of course, this will take some getting used to.  Obviously, I have not made it a habit yet of taking pictures so this is all you get from last week. 

Bean rice potpourri with iceberg and
garden lettuce salad
Umm, this was the grilled BBQ chicken, potato salad and cole slaw meal

If this is how it is going to look, we may revert back just to the written word.  I don't want to be responsible for you losing your appetite. 

Anyway, let me know what you think of pre-(not post) meal pics versus the pre-week menu.  I will continue to put up some recipes with the weekly meal pics, and I will also include how much a monthly menu cost me and if I like it.  I won't actually start that until next pay day though in preparation for the June month. 

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