Monday, May 4, 2015

Tuesday To-Do

Last week inside:
 Deep cleaning the master bathroom. Store and clean up (light box, trays and labels, heat mat back out to the big greenhouse, etc.) Wash the windows and scrub the floor. Purging in the office. Clean out the fridgeMake homemade instant oats.  Homemade maple pancake syrup. Sausage and egg mini bagels, bacon egg and cheese mini bagels, peanut butter crackers.  Make pimento cheese. Bag up some snack-size grapes, almonds.  Pop some popcorn.

2c shredded cheddar
 8oz cream cheese
1/2c. mayo
 1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1/4 tsp. onion powder
small jar of pimentos
 1 minced jalapeno
This week's chores inside are:Finish last week's list: Purge office.  Breakfast sandwiches.  Peanut butter crackers.  Popcorn.  Grapes. 
Deep clean 2nd bathroom. Clean ceiling fans.  It's still nice and cool in the mornings and evening so ceiling fans instead of the air conditioner.  Check AC filters. Clean under kitchen sink.  Reorganize pantry-how does it get so messed up??  Gather all empty pots and a few dead plants that didn't make it through the winter and put in compost pile.

3c. oats in blender to fine meal
6c. quick cook oats
1 c. dry milk or creamer
1 tsp salt
3/4-1c. brown sugar

Last outside week:
Weed eat up the driveway.  Rake the goat yard.  Fill the raised bedPlant a few tomatoes, pole beans, summer squash and more lettuce and radishes.  Sow jalapenos, tomatoes, and flowers (cosmos, bachelors buttons, sunflowers and other bee/bird attractants). Doggy door path. Straw the ducks. Clean the chicken coop, dusting the corners.  Wash all feeders and water tub, add a diatomaceous earth and vinegar . Stake the peach tree.  Gather pine needles to mulch my blueberriesGet a hive ready for new bees.  Steps to the back porch. replaced RENAILED.

This week's chores outside are:
Finish last week's list: Finish weed eating the driveway.  Fill the raised bed on the other side. Sow tomatoes.  Plant pole beans, squash. Work on doggy door path. Dust the chicken coop. Wash the feeders and tub.  Find DE (diatomaceous earth)-it wasn't at the closest feed store so will check in big town. Stake peach tree.  Go through wood pile for new step.
We have a new baby buckling, Mad Max, that I am still bottle feeding 3 x / day.  So there is a bit more time involved in the animals. Breed Flower and Thumper (rabbits). I have created a family project list for this month and have told them to choose a couple of projects to work on over the next 4 weeks.  It is going to be a super busy month with graduation, choir concerts, hubby's work, etc. so I am expecting these to last into June - just don't tell them or they won't even try!  So far it looks like I am stuck with cleaning and reorganizing the tool shed.  Ugh!  But I am here and I do have a pet peeve of not putting the tools back so we can find them next time.  So I will begin that this week.  I am going to work on sorting out duplicate tools and maybe I can sell them and make some extra cash. (Especially since I did put us a in a bit of bind with buying Max, but he will hopefully make up for it in a few months). Garden chores continue, hoeing, planting, weeding, thinning, cutting lettuce, eating radishes.  The asparagus also has a few stalks that have gotten out of control.  I will trim some of these back before letting it go completely. We need to get the mower and tiller back in working order so I can mow the "orchard." Work on a burn pit for all the extra trees and tree limbs that need to be burned.  Cut down saplings and young trees that are growing in all the wrong places.

 I did start some extra cardio and then figured out that all of my tennis shoes are not worthy of walking.  Now I am limping and walking even slower than normal.  Yay!  Nevertheless, I shall prevail!

*recipes are from and DoItOnADime YouTube videos, with some tweaks.

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