Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Wizard of Ize

No, I am not talking in an unfamiliar Northern accent.  I am declaring myself the new Wizard of -Ize!

I am determined to prioritize, organize, exercise, exorcise and dietize my life. 

Prioritize.  I have to take the above list and prioritize.  Everyday there are chores that have to be done.  Everyday there are glitches that arise in a daily schedule that make routine obsolete.   Let's discuss yesterday evening from 7pm - 11pm.  Just that 4-hour window as my to do list continues on into the evenings and night.  
7-Hubby to be home.  So supper needed to be ready.
7:30-Clothes off the line
8-Feed the animals, including bottle feeding Max.
8:30-Chickens locked up in coop
9-Clean up kitchen after supper
10-Pick up daughter at work.

Nothing to it, except:
7-Hubby home. No time for supper.  Got the call a bit ago, the dress was done.  We had to get daughter's prom dress after alterations.  That is a 40 minutes drive and more money that I had expected.
8-Son called wondering where everyone had gone after his return from church.  I asked if he could feed the animals, especially Max, since we will be late.
9-Finish cooking potatoes to go with ribs that had cooked for hours in the oven.
9:30-Eat supper.
10-Go to pick up daughter...wait, Max is out by the driveway.  Go back in and get the boys to help round him up since a) Son didn't tighten cage properly and b)I have to go get daughter ASAP. 
10:10-Notice the chicken coop is still open.  Ask hubby to fix that problem as I drive away.
10:29-At daughter's work just in time!
11:00-Look at the BBQ rib remains on the counter and hang my head in shame.  Until tomorrow.
11:15-Slip into bed and realize sheets and blankets still on clothes line! Until tomorrow. 

Nonetheless, if I have a general priority list to guide me, things won't seem that bad.  First and foremost is God time.  No exceptions.  Animals cannot be compromised.  They must remain at the top of the list after the family needs.  Garden is up there.  Like the animals these provide for us.  School.  This is a financial investment in our family's future and must be treated as such.  Study anatomy or paint my nails?  Okay, I rarely paint my nails anyway, but you get the gist. Providing nutritious meals for the family.  It gives me joy when I have the ingredients I need to make a wonderful meal that at least 2 of the 4 of can share.  But if emergencies happen, there is always spaghetti and nobody will starve.  Laundry.  I like the ability to hang out clothes and know that I am saving our family money, but I can always use a dryer, or even better, everyone in the house can do his or her own laundry if the need arises.  Oh, it will arise. I really need to pick my battles intelligently.

Organize.  Every single corner of this place needs organization-drawers, sheds, computer desks, pantry, freezer, etc. I need to prioritize my organize!  I think this is where a home binder would help.  I need to create a goal for each week and each month in the area of organization.  Chisel out an increment of time each day to achieve my weekly goal.  And do the same for the monthly goal.  But these "lists" need to be centralized.  Otherwise, they end up on a page of a notebook that gets moved around, torn out and thrown away or rewritten for procrastination purposes. 

Exercise.  I am going to have a lot on my plate, just like the rest of the world, and past experience has taught me that if I take time to intentionally exercise, whether it's on the treadmill, at the dam, to the mailbox,  or stretching during Family Feud, that I feel better and am better focused on other tasks. 

Exorcise.  No, I am not possessed by an evil spirit.  But I feel that at this point in my life I need to narrow down unnecessaries in my life, including my acquaintances.  That sounds harsh, I know.  I feel that it is too hard on me and not fair to the people I really love having in my life to put too much effort into those people who cause me stress.  Now that doesn't mean that I am going to be outright rude or disrespectful.  I am just not going to go the extra mile to please people who don't really care one way or another.  Is that an un-Christian attitude?

Dietize.  Yep, have to throw food into the mix, don't I?  Although I will not be technically "dietizing" my food, which means to take the unhealthy and make it healthier...well, maybe I am.  I just need to really watch what I buy and stay away from those quick and easy boxes of food.  This has not been a problem lately, but still there are food products that aren't necessary for us to have here on the farm.  I still fry, I make gravy,  I bake cakes and cookies.  But I do not buy mixes, I make them from scratch the best I can.  I do, however, need to portion control these items for everyone.  One doesn't need a whole batch of no-bake cookies over the course of 2 days.  For health and budget sake, these kind of treats need to be rationed for at least a week's worth of enjoyment. 

I guess my point is...there's no place like home, there's no place like home. 

Come on, you knew that was coming.  Besides, I use it all the time!

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