Thursday, July 30, 2015

Back to Bible Basics: The 10 Commandments #1

The 10 Commandments.  The rules that God gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai for all of His people to follow.  How many can you name right now?  How many have you broken? This week?  Today?  Do you think about them anymore?   I am sorry to say that I haven't for quite some time, and I think it's time that I do this.  It seems that once in a while I need to just "reboot," stop and get back to the basics for a little attitude adjustment.  I am going to look at each one and see what I need to change in my life and my thinking. 

Let's begin...

Ex. 20:3 / Deut. 5:7 (KJV) Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

That seems simple enough, doesn't it?  God is God.  God is whom I pray to.  God is...
What is the definition of a god. (according to the internet search)
a. A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.
b. The force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being.
2. A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality.
3. An image of a supernatural being; an idol.
4. One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed.
Okay, so what does it mean to worship?  To adore, feel reverence for, have devotion to. 
So do we have any "other gods" than God?  Personally?   Am I examining myself objectively?  As a family?  As a Country?  As a World? 
The bigger the population, the more I shudder to think of the answer.  
Do I attend Church regularly?  Uh, no.  I have many excuses as to why?  I can get busy on the farm.  I cannot find anything to wear.  It is true that I do insist that we wear "our Sunday best" to the House of God, but that excuse does not fly since it really comes down to vanity, doesn't it?  I "watch" my church on TV or YouTube.  Is that the best way to have fellowship?  Am I helping the Body of Christ in anyway sitting on my couch?  Am I putting my own self-importance, whatever that "reason" might be, above the Church?  Above being a member of the Body?  Is my pride acting as my god?  Is my vanity acting as my god? I don't like those questions, or more likely my answers.
How about our country and our world?  Does it seem that money rules to you, because it does to me.  We have become corrupt with our own greed.  We have made the all-mighty dollar our god.  When was the last time you "paid it forward" or told someone who did a good job to "keep the change."  Do you remember?  Do you remember how you felt?  It was a win-win, wasn't it?  Is your heart open to giving?  Not just a tithe, although that is a subject itself, but have you been led to give something to someone or even to write a letter or make a phone call, to give thought and time to someone lately? Or is your time YOUR time and too precious for such. After all, time is money.
What else do we put above God sometimes without even realizing it?  Our spouse?  Our children?  Our parents?  People are important, but not to the exclusion of the Lord.  How about our jobs?  Our leisure activities?  Do you go to church on Super Bowl Sunday night?
So, how do I ensure that God is my only God?  I have thought about this and recalled from my past experiences.  For me, it has to be reading His Word every day.  I can tell when I miss a day, which inevitably turns into weeks or months.  I need to make sure that I make prayer time. And not just a prayer while I am brushing my teeth or driving down the road.  I mean kneeling beside the bed, hands clasped, head down earnest prayer.  What about prayer before meals?  Do you do this at home? A prayer journal works great for me too.  Praises, requests, questions. I can go back and see when I asked and when he answered.  Or if I wandered off the path and what blessing has been put on hold because of it.   It can be so amazing to see how he works in this way.  I need to keep my mind free of "modern chatter."  I need to listen to others preach the Word, I need to watch movies that are Christian based.  I need to have brothers and sisters around me.  These things take work and effort.  I fall.  I get up, sometimes it takes me longer than other times.  But thankfully, my God is a patient God and knows my strengths and my weakness and uses them to teach me.  I used to be a good student...wonder what happened?
Although it seems simple, our first commandment needs to remain that-the first!  God is our only God-period.  Keep that in the forefront of your mind with every thought and every choice you make.  Piece of cake, huh?  

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday To-Do 7/28/15

This past week:  I washed the laundry outside two times, once alone and once with daughter.  It took about 90 minutes both times, but of course I got a whole extra line done when daughter helped.  I am washing large towels and jeans in the washer, but everything else will be done outside every couple of days.  (Oh, and the family clothes will be in the washer too.)  I made grease patties for the bees although I did not have any essential oils to add.  I finished making the infamous family clothes from the Goodwill buy, as well as a flannel bandana for this winter and some hankies or rags  for whatever.   Hubby chopped down another oak tree and got that split to add to our pile.  I got black plastic 6 mil to start revamping the garden.  I am going to try and kill off the centipede grass and morning glories that are going hog-wild, and start again next spring.  I got all of the posts and cages out of the garden, as the tomatoes were diseased and done.  I pulled all those up tossed those as I am not sure if the blight will affect the compost pile.  I got about 1/5 of the garden covered.  I still have some peppers and green beans and cucumbers that have a chance.  As usual, most of the week was spent in the kitchen preparing meals, lunch snacks and other goodies.  I did find an extra hummingbird feeder and got that an the other one filled. 

This next week:  Again, I plan to do laundry on Monday and Thursday outside, weather permitting, using my mobile washer and new washboard-YAY!.  I plan on buying some fabric and attempt making a couple of aprons.  I have had the It's so Easy Simplicity A1223 pattern for over a year, so I think its time to buck up and sew the apron, especially as much time as I spend in the kitchen!  Then maybe I can move up to the cute ruffled aprons eventually.  Baby steps.  I have got to move all of the split wood from down the hill up to the wood pile and get that stacked and drying.  We probably won't be able to use it this winter, but it will be a good start for the next year, God willing. Of course, if the horrible heat we have endured for the past two months continues, it will be dry and ready for the fireplace. This week is payday so a menu/grocery list needs to be created.  I may revert down to a two-week menu, but honestly, if I do that, I probably don't even need anything but fresh produce and milk. But, I gotta get my Sam's fix! Sooo...  I have got to get into the bees and see how things are going, but I will need a new smoker because they are just getting angrier by the week!  I have to do what I have to do to get things checked.  I am sure other To-Do's will occur on a daily basis.

Things I really need to invest in shortly:   New smoker for bees.  New dehydrator (since my lid is gone and discontinued!).  I am thinking I will invest about $65 for one.  My last one was cheaper and did okay, but it would be nice to have something with a little more temperature control.  Can't swing an Excaliber or anything like that though.  I have looked into a solar dehydrator, but they are quite bulky outside and I am not sure where I would put one where the goats wouldn't think it was a cool new climbing apparatus, so I am staying on the grid for dehydrating presently...someday.  Fabric, thread, bobbins, cutting mat and rotary cutter are all on my wish list too.  I think I should make myself a frock for the farm.  SANTA!  I have been a good girl! Really those things I would like to invest in by the end of the August.  I know that God will provide what we need, not necessarily what we want.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

TItus 2 Woman (part 4)

Titus 2 King James Version (KJV)
But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:
That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.
The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

On to verse 5.  To be discreet.  What does that mean?  Again, with the online dictionary.  I am so predictable...
1.  Marked by prudence, modesty or self-restraint.  (I like this one)
2. Unobtrusively perceptive and sympathetic 
3. Heedful of potential consequences

Personally, I think of it as having discretion, or being mindful of others when you say or do something.  I don't think this has to be PC (politically correct) or speak of tolerance, per se, however.  These terms, PC and tolerance, are so overused and misused.  We can love our brothers in Christ and our neighbors without agreeing on every aspect of life-that is tolerating them, right?  I feel that politics is so corrupt in our country that I have no desire to be "correct" to them. 

Chaste.  I immediately think of sexually, as in a virgin or priest.  Looking this up, I found an obsolete definition...unmarried.  That's kind of sad, huh?  It also refers to free from obscenity, as in a chaste conversation.  I may be guilty of having to physically cover my mouth when something drops on my foot or I stub my toe-sometimes I make it in time, sometimes I don't.  

And my favorite-keepers at home.  This is a full-time job with all the overtime you want.  I could spend 8-10 hours a day just in the kitchen. Cooking and cleaning up after myself.  Recently I spent about 6 hours just making hamburgers and French fries, yes, really, making the buns and cooking everything and the cleaning up.  I spent another 3 hours canning potatoes to add to our winter pantry-only 6 quarts.  No wonder working women like Fatz to go!   Then you add to that laundry.  Thank the Lord for washing machines (and mobile washers :)).  Although I prefer to use my clothes line for budget sake, I do have a dryer for rainy days and Mondays.  (Who is singing it?  Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.)  Then there are the animals to feed, water, milk, gather eggs, butcher, trim nails, hooves, check eyes, ears, talk to, etc.  We have the very important garden to water, weed, fertilize, plant, pull, harvest, can, preserve.  I am leaning towards a no mow-yard with lots of herbs, edibles, berries and bushes, because who has time for mowing and weed eating. And with our free range hippy-type animals (goats, rabbits and chickens) they love the taller grass and weeds and seeds and things. It's too hot, so let's come back inside.  Bedroom.  Luckily we have the bed made everyday first thing, right?  Yes!  Even hubby makes it without being told if he is the last one out of it on the weekends.  Still, dusting, waxing, tidying, vacuuming, mopping, rugs, curtains, ceiling fans, furnace filters, bathrooms with tubs, toilets and mirrors, cabinets, shower curtains and rugs, and we have doors and windows (inside and out-wish I had those tilt in windows!) There's porches, decks, patios, garages and the barns, coops, mangers, stalls, etc.  I am tired already!  Now it's time for our errands.  Make our menus and stretch our grocery dollars, trip to the post office to mail birthday, sympathy, Mother's Day cards, letters and packages, keeping inventory and buying supplies for cleaning and home maintenance, all the while making to sure to get the best deal for the best products one can afford.  If you coupon (which I rarely use because cooking from scratch just doesn't lend towards it), that itself takes several hours a week to coordinate.  It seems to me that a woman works outside of the home to get out of all this work.  She can afford to buy the convenient things, but how is that satisfying to the soul?  Maybe to some, I suppose.  Although, there are days I read the job post ads. As Taylor says, shake it off...

Be good.  Enough said.

Obedient to your husband so that the Word of God is not blasphemed.  Why do women, feminists in particular, balk at this so much?  Do we not realize how much pressure this takes off of our shoulders.  Yes, there are stupid men out there who are bullies, but really, is your husband?  Mine is not.  I would love for him to make more decisions around here.  And actually, as we get older, he is and I am LOVING it.  If there is something that I really think is wrong or better, I will speak up and Hubby will evaluate.  And if he decides one way or the other it is all on him.  If he succeeds, I do my best to praise his efforts.  If he fails, I do my best to console and encourage.  But really, most of the time I am sooo glad it wasn't me.  This is something that I am working on too-letting him decide more of the small things to build his confidence in the bigger things.  If he wishes me to decide, then I will try to consider all aspects of the question and go from there. So much pressure!  Seriously, it's hard enough trying to figure out what to fix for supper everyday let alone trying to rule the roost in other ways! 

To not blaspheme the Word, we need to know the Word.  To know the Word, we need to read the Word.  That is a good place to start!

So now that we are at the end, we are perfect little wives, right?  Just like Eve... :\

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Would You Like Cheese with Your Whine

Oh, today is one of those days.  I am feverish, a bit weak, do not want to do anything.  I am blind to the hamper, kitchen sink and that was not the vacuum in the closet!  I knew something wasn't right yesterday.  I was extra lazy and dropping things, everything was twice as heavy as it should be.  You know that inkling you get before you are full on sick- 'why am I so tired today?'  That was my yesterday.  Everyone else in the family works outside of the home, daughter is in the public arena, so who knows what they could bring home.  Or it could be the wasp sting, the 20 ant bites on my foot and the mysterious cluster of hives on my forearm that are taking my immune system down.  I think it's time to get out the old herbal remedy book! A good multi-vitamin wouldn't hurt either.

These are the times I wish I could just call-in or call-out (depending on which part of the country you are from).  But, alas, the ducks won't get in the feed shed and take care of themselves, nor will the rabbits unlock their cages and refill their water bottles at the spigot.  So, I must buck up and boot up and take the next hour and quit thinking of myself. 

Who knows?  I may feel better once I get out in the sunshine.  Humph! Doubt it.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Food Friday 7/24/15 (no pics)

Finally, my freezer and fridge are becoming a bit less crowded.  I guess that is the only caveat of monthly menus as I move into week three-lots of "squeezing things in" and not much organization.  There has been a lot of menu jumping too.  The main point of trying this experiment is to see if money can be saved, but if I have to be strict with the menu plan, as far as this meal HAS to be on Monday and this HAS to be on Tuesday, then there will be waste undoubtedly.  So, I am trying to maneuver the meals just enough that waste is minimal, as I talked about last time, and we are squeezing every morsel for the most benefit. 
The animals are getting very little table scraps; it is very sad that they must chase grasshoppers in the yard instead of the peas that were forgotten in the fridge.  However, I do believe a rogue bunny ate half of my pepper patch just as they were coming on.  Stripped about 12 plants of all their leaves.  I will feel a small bit of satisfaction knowing that fried rabbit (not the culprit, however, as I cannot identify which one) is coming up on the menu soon.  Sorry, a bit of a rant there.
I don't have pictures to share this week. I have been obsessed with my laundry, as you might have guessed and by supper time I am too tired to hold a camera.  I just want to cook and eat and be done.  Wednesday was the only day that I took any time in the kitchen.  I got more individual pizzas in the freezer for lunches and I really do need to finish up the pepperonis I got from Sam's.  So this coming week, lots of pizzas to be frozen! It is still in the triple digits by afternoon and our home gets almost unbearable and I prefer to get in and get out of the kitchen as quickly as possible come supper time.  Outdoor kitchen would be nice too!  I have my outdoor laundry and I am already wanting an outdoor shower so let's add kitchen to this list too.  No, not just a grill either.  Hmmm.  Something to research when I can't sleep.
This is the week we are supposed to "supplement" fresh produce and milk or any forgotten items.  The only thing that I did have to buy is bread.  And that was only because I was too lazy to make any.  Proverbs 31:27 - She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.  Nope, we ate the bread of the grocery store because of my idleness.  We are out of milk, but I have made dry milk for use in recipes, which has not been that much.  I think we are doing pretty well so far.  

But, again, I have to say that the huge haul has done well for us with still plenty of meat, frozen vegetables and pantry inventory.  We still have a few tomatoes and cucumbers in the garden and the pole beans that I had to replant are blooming.  (Bunny didn't find those or was full after the pepper plants!) That has helped with fresher veggies on our plates. Daughter has been baking her sweets for desserts. Cookies and cakes, oh my! 

I will sit down some time in the next week and really look over what we spent and how it is holding up before I delve into the next monthly menu and grocery list.


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Should I Consider Litigation??

As you can see I have all the evidence I need.  The victim, the weapon, and  I can even do DNA testing if need be. 

How in the world did this obviously healthy mouse (now on my radar) manage to cut the bristles off my kitchen the drawer.  He should have at least taken them with him.  I JUST used this to brush garlic butter on my pizza dough!

While I consider which lawyer to call, because you know there is one out there who would take the case, and after I scold Oreo, I have to go wash ALL my silverware...

Bad Grammar-poor spelling! Sorry

Good grief and to think I was a transcriptionist....yes, I used palate instead of pallet.  Can I blame that on being in the medical field?  Yeah, no.  I use was instead of were, is instead of are.  Hopefully to-too- two are okay in most posts.  I apologize to 1) my English teachers, 2) my friends who I know have a pet peeve of grammatical errors and 3) to everyone else, mom included.

I would say I would do gooder, just kidding, better, but let's face it, if I am trying to think, type and listen for odd animal sounds, I am multitasking.  And as I get older multitasking is much less efficient , or is it less proficient, or...Honey, where is the dictionary or thesaurus ??

Please overlook my poor grammar skills or you can let me know and I will try to relearn.  Old dog-old tricks.  :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Laundry Lessons #1

Day 2 was not as fun as Day 1, but it never is.

The last load did fine except my dish rags did not smell as clean as I would like-not bad, but not good.  So, I am thinking of how to fix that; more time plunging probably, possibly pre-soak, splash of vinegar in the rinse.  Any suggestions?

I let Daughter sleep in since she worked late last night.  I decided to go ahead and do the laundry after feeding and watering the animals.  I had pre-soaked Son's work shirts (he works at a metal fabrication shop-the metallic smell is always in his clothes) overnight in a bucket of soapy water.

I refilled my buckets, basins and totes and added soap and went in to pick out another load to wash.  I chose colors and the new undies I bought for Hubby this weekend and out I went. I also switched my wash basin and my rinse basin #1 because the shape seemed easier for the washing.

I am not going to lie.  I am a little fatigued in my arms from my shoulders to my fingertips.  A wringer is definitely on my list.  I'm not sore by any means, but I feel...well worked out.  So my vigor was not as good as yesterday.  My mother suggested that I go barefoot and enjoy nature in all it's glory.  That sounded wonderful, so I slipped out of my flip-flops too.

Here we go.  I grabbed a shirt out of the drained pre-soak bucket.  Wait!  That's a dirty one.   I shouldn't start with that!  Well, too late, so I washed that one.  I wrung it out and threw it in the rinse basin.  Wait!  That water isn't very clear!  I didn't think about rinsing the basins after using them yesterday AND it was the wash tub from yesterday.  Errr!  So my plan to save water failed this time.  I rinsed and threw in rinse #2.  Also a bit cloudy from lack of properly cleaning after use.  I started to put in Hubby's new undies.  Wait!  That new cloth will surely put dye in the wash and I don't want to wash my tank tops in that! Whew!  Disaster averted.  So in with the less dirty clothes and plunge away.  Tra-la-la-la-la.  Ouch!!  What?!  Fire ants too close to bare feet, and on flip-flops next to said bare feet!  Errr!  I blasted my feet with the hose and even on jet setting, one ant stayed attached to my ankle.  Mean boogers!  As am I.  I blasted the biggest pile of ants where it looked like they were trying to build their mound.  I sprinkled some of my laundry detergent on there too.  I don't think they really cared, but I felt better.  I ran in and got my heavy cleaner I use in the bathroom ( diluted rubbing alcohol and ammonia), took it back out and sprayed my feet to alleviate the pain; and for fun I sprayed the ants too. 

My only choice to continue was to move to the other side of the palate, my back to the sun (booo!) and I would have to stand on the palate to reach the basins.  That was not a comfortable height.  I was not going to dump all the water, move them, and start over; it was bad enough I refilled the two rinse buckets.

So, this day of laundry was not as pleasurable as yesterday- satisfying yes, but enjoyable, not so much.  Kind of glad I washed the jeans in the washer...I did not just say that!  Yes, I did because seriously I would not be able to wring those or the large towels properly, so automatic washer for them-but still hang out to dry to keep energy consumption down. 

What did we learn today that common sense would tell most people:
Lesson 1-wash least dirty to most dirty, least dyed to most dyed
Lesson 2-rinse your basins well before and after using
Lesson 3-spray a perimeter for fire ant protection-the only poison I have to use on the farm
Lesson 4-buy a wringer when can afford
Lesson 5-make sure plunging height is right for a healthy back

Think I will take the day off tomorrow and cook instead.

ADDENDUM:  I got all of the laundry off the line and I have to say with the extra effort in time and less in speed, as well as less articles of clothing in the basin, the clothes were wonderfully clean and had a soft, elastic texture even after hanging on the line for four hours.  It was stiffer than the dryer, but softer than normal.  I like it.  I guess it could be my hands are getting chaffed too and everything feels softer.  And there were barely any wrinkles, nothing that required ironing, even my bandanas and cotton cowgirl shirt.  YES!!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Tuesday To-Do 7/21/15

Hmm?  I guess I missed last week.  I was trying to see if I had accomplished what I was supposed to...I guess we'll never know. 

Honestly, since the huge food haul and monthly menu idea, I have been spending most of my days cooking, cutting, chopping, freezing, thawing, and stuffing things in snack bags.   I did get my potatoes canned.  I am ready for bag #2 so I can do another 10 quarts or so. 
I mowed the garden.  I sowed seed and killed them already.  I left them out in the blazing sun and heat.  Errr!  So now I am a bit behind on that.  I really need to get some proper germination medium. Nope, not a lot of progress on any other projects, but I sure am busy.  For instance, today, I got up, took care of the animals, washed a load of laundry, hung it on the line, made more "instant" oats for hubby's work, filled the ketchup bottles with the big can from Sam's, mostly cleaned up after myself (dumped flour in the floor, spilled oats all over the counter, knocked over all the cans of tuna whilst getting the ketchup can, etc.). I mowed the garden and under the clothesline.  I got the clothes in and put away, supper made (BBQ meatballs, mashed potatoes, broccoli salad, tea), dishes done, got stung by the yellow jacket nest I found on the only remaining item on the porch except the freezer, thus hobbling everywhere.  Daughter got called into work, so I took her to work and will be picking her up in our lovely farm truck.  Paid bills and printed out receipts to put in a budget binder.  Really?  That's it.  There are so many things to get done around here and it seems like I am keeping very busy on the "womanly" duties of cooking, laundry and cleaning.  Don't get me wrong, I love it.  It is a great feeling to know that all of my husband's pants, undies and socks, less the ones he is wearing, are all clean and put away and knowing that we are having a decent meal that I prepared brings a peace to my soul.  The wasp sting however, not a fan.  There was no peace in my soul or in the neighborhood after that scream. 

AND, as you know,  I have ordered something that intrigues me-mobile washer or breathing washer, (check out this link if you are curious ) basically, it is a plunger for clothes washing.  I ordered a scrubbing board.  I am going to attempt to hand wash outside a majority of our clothes!  As I mentioned in my previous post,  I am so excited about this! Exercise, less water, less soap, vitamin D and everyone testifies to cleaner clothes.  Being in the "sunny South" I should be able to comfortably wash my clothes outside for 8-9 months out of the year.  Look out Caroline Ingalls, I am on your trail!  

So, this next week, I hope to do more outside laundry, mow a bit more of the yard, re-sow broccoli, cabbage, kale.  I want to work on building a cold frame in the front yard and sow some lettuce, spinach and radishes when that is done.  I still need to work on my path to the chicken coop.  I have totally left that alone for months! Eek!  I still have some kitchen organizing to consider, especially while hubby puts up some more drywall and creates a new wall for my "sunroom."  Otherwise, it is just keeping track of all the food in the fridge and on the menu to ensure that I do not waste anything and am keeping on track so that I do not have to go to the store for one more week for some fresh produce, milk or other items that may have been overlooked.  I have gone to the Goodwill and purchased $1.50 worth of flannel for more family clothes and have a few more put together.  I will continue to do that. 
 So far though, it is going well.


Outside Laundry Room

In the mailbox Saturday afternoon was the little post office card letting me know that I had a package I could pick up Monday.  They don't deliver to my home because of the long winding dirt road, so we have to pick all of our over sized packages.  I couldn't decipher the sender, but I figured it was either my mobile washer or my scrub board...please be the washer, please be the washer...
Monday morning, the sun was just over the horizon and I shot outside to put together my laundry room.  I carried the palate to the flat area between the greenhouse and the clothes line and placed it gently down.  Okay, not really, it was heavy; I let it fall to the ground hoping it wouldn't tear up.  I found my two black totes that I was keeping for my wash and rinse basins.  I grabbed the 5-gallon bucket I kept in the garden as a rainwater catcher.  I could always get another one-this was important! and we haven't had that much rain.  I filled the black wash basin with a little bit of water so it could warm up in the sun just in case it was my washer at the post office. 
I went in and did some cleaning and watched the clock.  It was 8:50.  I sat down to make a small batch of laundry soap while I waited.  It might come in handy.  I grated soap and added the other ingredients and took it to my laundry soap bucket already waiting on the palate. 
9:00!!!  To the truck with post office card in hand!  Daughter came with me so she could go in.  I don't like to be in public with a tank top on and I was not changing even though this was a momentous occasion.  We hopped in the truck and drove up the driveway in 1st gear.  Gas light!  Love the movie, hate the light in the truck.  So, I had to be in public and get gas anyway.  Who cares, I am on a mission. 
After stopping at my least favorite gas station but closest to the post office, daughter went in and FINALLY came out with a huge box...oh no, it must be the scrub board.  My shoulder probably drooped a bit.  Wait.  It was light!  She was carrying it with one hand.  Maybe.  YES!!  The plunger!!
And the rest is history...well, actually, it is the future, but...
Basket of dirty clothes and my plunger
First load of dish rags ready for soaking
Washed, in first rinse, ready for second rinse
All done
 It took about 40 minutes of sun and fun but we got about what would be two "automatic" washer loads done- a load of towels and a load of darks.   Although that seems like a long time, daughter and I got a workout (particularly the arms, but even some ab work and a little legs with bending, wringing and such).  We got our vitamin D and probably a little tan.  We stayed cool enough with all the water splashing.  And we had a good time, mother and daughter just enjoying a woman's work. 

Drying in the sun
Next, is the scrub board.  The fels naptha is waiting, as am I.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Family Cloths

You have heard of these right?  The reusable toilet paper.  WHAT?!?

As I venture further into becoming a better steward of money, time and life, I am finding that my initial heart towards "little house on the prairie" living is growing.  The family loves the homemade meals.  Hubby enjoys the free range animal entertainment almost as much as I do anymore.  Daughter is very helpful in both of these things, although chickens are not her favorite.  Son does not hang around too much anymore, but if we need him he helps.  We have learned to rely on and to trust each other more.  I think we are a closer knit family now even though both of the kids are spreading their wings to fly out of the nest.  There is, however, one exception.  One subject that divides.  Family cloths.

This idea intrigues me to the point that I have found an old flannel sheet (because I am not a fan of sleeping on flannel at all) and have cut out a few pieces to sew together and begin the journey to reducing our paper use.  Yes, I probably should have started with cloth napkins, or even handkerchiefs / tissues.  The napkins would require me actually buying fabric, and although I have an order sitting the cart at, I don't have the extra funds to do that just yet as there are few other things higher on the priority list.  But believe me they are going to be FABULOUS napkins-very cute! I am also looking into the reusable "paper" towel rolls and female hygiene items.  Daughter and I have discussed the use of family cloths for, shall we say, #1.  This alone will reduce a good amount of toilet paper and septic tank use.  Although I do have a fear of dropping them in the bowl out of habit.  Ugh!  I am practicing being more conscious of this to prepare.

A sewist, I am not.
 Nonetheless, I have a very few that I have started on for "wee" girls (sorry, I couldn't help it).  I have them sitting in a basket on the back of the toilet awaiting for the rest of the supplies: a specific wastebasket, a spray bottle and more cloths of varying sizes. I do hope to find old flannel shirts at Goodwill or a yard sale or something that has patterns.   I think that would be more ideal.  At some point, I will have specific patterns for specific people...if there is a full change over. 

Let's just say that hubby is not going for it just yet.  That's okay, but I have told him that after I have my family cloths at full capacity,  I am only buying four rolls of toilet paper a month, particularly for guests at the house.  Luckily, I think this little project will take several weeks due to budget issues.  If I let hubby know this he may not give me any allowance.  Good thing I keep the books! :)

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Food Friday 7/17/15

I am excited to report that week one of the monthly menu has gone wonderfully.  I am very pleased with the amount of food that I bought for the money and that I was able to thoughtfully divide and store several items that I think will be very helpful throughout the next three weeks.  There are still a few items, specifically for lunch, that I have not bought yet and looks like I may not even need. 
Bonus nacho casserole with leftovers
I did not go in order on the menu, but instead I am just marking through the meals that have been eaten.  For example, I opened the large can of crushed tomatoes for the ravioli casserole, instead of having to store several jars of left over tomato, and with a jar of cooked vegetables that was a few days old, I decided to make the pot roast the next day, and then the vegetable soup after that to use up the rest of the sauce and vegetables, so that I did not have a whole shelf of tomato sauce in the refrigerator for two more weeks and no vegetables were wasted, probably to the chagrin of the chickens.

Rice crispy candy
Having this whole month to choose from still gives me the variety I like, at least in the first couple of weeks, so that I don't feel restricted in what we have to eat.  Again, this may change as the month end nears, but hopefully by then my checkbook will reflect the difference and make the change not so hard to swallow.

I got the rice crispy candy made (20 bars) for lunches and today I am going to make the PB&J sandwiches to freeze before the bread gets stale

I am also going to bake up the pizza pockets since I finally got my cheese from Sam's for the month.  I hope these workout.  I am not really using a recipe, just the pizza dough that I always make doubled.  I am opening a big can of tomato sauce and plan to use this for my pizza pockets, as well as make some crockpot marinara to freeze up, again, so I don't have a shelf of tomato sauce to store in the fridge. 

Addendum:  I didn't cut the pizza pockets big enough so I only made 8.  The innards were squeezing through; I will work on that next time round.   Instead, I decided to make mini / individual pizzas and freeze.  I did prebake the dough and then added toppings, flash froze, put in plastic freezer bags and they are being stored in freezer until someone has a hankering.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

TItus 2 Woman (part 3)

I lost the original blog post, and it was a good one.  Errr-this is what I remember I said.

Titus 2 King James Version (KJV)
2 But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:
That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.
The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

We left off with loving our husbands.  So, by example, we need to show our daughters, our daughter's friends and newly wedded wives in the booth behind us at Red Robin how to love our husbands.  They can hear what we say to them and about them.  I admit that I have too often "vented" to friends or family or even past co-workers about things that my husband said or did that either upset me, angered me or were just plain unflattering to him although I thought was humorous at the time.  How is my venting affecting me?  Do I feel more loving toward him?  No, I don't.  The only one who should hear my silent "venting" is the Lord, when I ask him to help me with hubby.  He can then reveal to me the truth about what the problem is, who the problem is and show me how to fix it...if I need to.  Let's face it, isn't usually the one who is bothered who has the issue?  How else can I show hubby and the world that I love him (even when I am not feeling it)?  I personally need to pay closer attention to the little things that  make him feel special.  Around here, we put our food on our plate and then go sit down.  Maybe I could take his plate to him without his asking.  Maybe I could ask him what he needs from me.  I think I will be working on this one.  When asked about the family, has anyone answered they have a 5 year old, a 3 year old and a 37 year old, referring to the fact that one feels the need to train their husband in the way which he should go?  Guilty.  It seems humorous, but really, am I building him up doing that?

Teach the younger women to love their children.  I feel that I am a bit "old-fashioned" in this regard.  My son pays his share of the rent, the electric, his medical insurance and everything to do with the maintenance of his car.  My daughter who just graduated from high school pays for her share of the electric with all of the devices she charges up and of course her phone.  She doesn't have a car right now, but when she does, the same applies for her. This may seem unfair in their eyes when their friends have cars more expensive than I will ever drive that their parents just gave to them.  And they get money without having to do chores, whereas my kids do chores without getting paid.  My goal is to raise God-fearing, responsible, independent children who can take care of themselves in good times and in bad times and still reflect God's love to the world.  I won't really know how I did until it's too late to change anything.  Fingers crossed.  I am finding that for the past couple of decades it seems that some parents are using their children, using them as pawns.  If they don't have money, they use them to get money.  If they have money, they use them to prove their important status to others.  I hope this growing trend changes.  It is very sad, but a reflection of our current world.  Maybe if we start teaching the younger women today, things can change, or better yet, change ourselves...

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Food Prep

After the big haul, there is prepping to do to make things easier throughout the month.  First, I dealt with the meat.  I cut up the pork loin into two roasts and the rest chops for at least five meals.  Then I had chicken breasts from Sam's that divided: two packages of two breasts, one breast cubed for casserole and one cut into strips for salad.  I took the beef and cut into three sections: one for pot roast (and leftovers into vegetable soup), one for beef and noodles and then strips for beef stroganoff or salad. I have extra for either a special lunch or even next month's menu. (YES!) 

One of the specials / "instant savings" at Sam's was a huge can of peanuts.  I already had a huge bag of chocolate chips in the freezer that I have been working from that I bought  a couple of months ago.  TRAIL MIX for the boys (and girls) lunch snacks.  I grabbed a bag of dried cranberries and raisins at Aldi and voila! Over 20 bags of trail mix to grab for the next month. 
 Daughter helped to wash the grapes and bag those up for our snack basket in the fridge.  Another 20 plus bags of snacks, plus one large bag in the freezer for sweet frozen goodness. 

Next we had to do my lemons.  I LOVE lemons.  My dentist hates that I love lemons, but I don't care.  I bought two bags of lemons at Sam's and we squeezed them up, except for a few for fresh lemonade with our planned BBQ dinner, and pour them in ice cube trays to freeze.  They are the perfect ice cubes for some Southern sweet tea that my daughter makes for the family

The next thing to do is take the #10 can (is that an old saying now? or 6.6 lbs) and put all of the fruit cocktail into containers and jars for lunches too.  That makes about 20 large servings, over the recommended 1/2 cup.  Maybe someday I will make my own.  But for $5 it's a nice convenience.

There are a few more things to do.  Make and freeze peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  Make homemade pudding-I might attempt chocolate this time.  I will show you how that goes.  I need to make homemade mayonnaise-another new one.  I have pie crusts to make for quiche, cherry pie and apple pie.  I want to make some pizza pockets and chicken/broccoli/cheese pockets for their lunches too.  I will also be cutting up a few celery sticks and carrot sticks for snacks and also for our Hot Legs dinner next week.  I have lots of bacon and a small roll of sausage so I may or may not make some breakfast sandwiches/biscuits.  Time will tell.   These things can wait until I am ready to bake and cook.  That will be another day, another blog.

My menu doesn't officially start until Monday (this is Saturday), so for the next two days I am going to focus on getting the chest freezer organized and the pantry too so it will hold all of our big sized cans, bags and boxes.

If you buy bulk, how do you store it or prep it?

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Titus 2 Woman (part 2)

Titus 2 King James Version (KJV)
But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:
That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.
The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

On to verse 4...So we know that we need to be teachers of good things, especially to the young women: our daughters, our daughter's friends, our young women in our churches.
To be sober.  1) not intoxicated-we have been told that already,  2) habitually temperate-even keeled,  3) quiet or sedate in demeanor-NOT loud, overbearing, 4) marked by seriousness or gravity-in one definition they mention speech, 5) subdued in tone (clothing), 6) free from excess or exaggeration, and lastly, 7) self -control. 

At first glance, to me, this appears like one should sit with their back straight, feet flat on the floor, knees together, hands on the lap, wearing a gray, plain ankle length dress, speaking when spoken to, no smiles or conversations. A picture of a perfect pilgrim.  I don't really believe that is EXACTLY how one needs to be to exhibit the Titus 2 woman.  In contrast to the "modern" woman, however, it may seem so. 

Obviously, no partying like you did before you were of legal age to drink.  The bladder medication commercial says to be the one with the crazy loud laugh.  Personally, that person is distracting to me, so no, I think I would rather be a bit demure in most circumstances.  Growing up as an only child with introvert tendencies and less social than most anyway, this is not a problem.
Subdued in tone.  I think of this as attire, although it could be attitude as well.  I am over 40, I should not be trying to look 18 and wearing skimpy, showy clothing.  Yet, it seems so many women do.  Are we that skewed in our views of love and acceptance? Yes, we are.  We feel we need to emulate the "celebrities" who have NO sense of propriety.  Celebrities have to maintain a shock value, standout value to continue to be what they are.  We do not.  My love and acceptance first and foremost and sufficiently comes from the Lord, and if I am lucky enough, my family, but this is not always the case for everyone.  I am a lucky one.  I pity the women my age and older who must show skin to feel accepted.  On that note, I do love color.  I don't think we have to wear gray, black and brown (although I love brown too) all the time to be "subdued."  I would be more concerned with the cut of the clothes than the color of the clothes. 
To be free of excess and exaggeration.  Wow.  This could apply to so many aspects of a woman's life.  Items in the home, jewelry, clothing, speech.  I see a good number of anti-excess movements these days materially. Tiny houses, minimalist homes.  I like the idea of simplicity.  Yes, I am becoming archaic.  I have dumped the smart phone.  My husband has an old flip phone, pay-as-you go to have for his 2 hour commute everyday.  There was no reason for me to have a smart phone being at home.  I do have a "landline."  I am also ready to remove excess stuff from my home.  I have scores of books, dozens of knick-knacks that just sit there and bring no joy.  I feel a purge coming on!  Jewelry: As a teen I wore 8-9 rings on my fingers everyday, big earrings, bracelets, necklaces and other accessories with every outfit.  I even had a nose ring and tongue ring in the past.  Now, as I mature I wear my wedding band and a pair of gold dot earrings when I go out to town.  I don't even wear those here on the farm.  I had to sift through manure-filled straw to find my diamond ring one day and decided, unless I wear gloves, my rings don't need to be in the barn nor do I wear them when I make meatloaf or doughs. Speech. I have a tendency to be verbose (usually on paper or blogs) but not in big crowds, partly in due to my diminishing hearing (thank you transcription ear buds for 20 years) and again, my personality.
Self-control.  Saved the best for last.  We need to learn self control and then turn around and teach it.  Again, this is applicable to so many aspects of life.  Food, speech, emotions, perseverance, and this can go on.  Do we start with one?  Do we jump in with both feet?  I would think everyone has their own vice that needs to be addressed the most, and only oneself can know what that is.  I might have to flip a coin, or use dice, to pick one of mine to start with... 

That should keep me busy until the next part of the verse...


Friday, July 10, 2015

Food Friday 7/10/15

The monthly menu plan...
Yes, from the girl who can barely do a week menu without detour.  I am determined to give this a shot and just see if the budget benefits are worth it.
I spent Thursday creating this menu.  First I had to inventory what I had in the pantry and freezers and fridge. (Yes, time to organize!!)

Then I took that list and figured out some meals to use up what I have and then also add a bit of variety.  After figuring out 30 suppers, I wrote them down on my printed calendars.  From there, I had to see what groceries I would still need and what specials were going on at Sam's and other grocery stores that would work with my menu. After trying to take into account leftovers that we could use, I included lunch items, as well as taking inventory of toiletries and other household items that we need. 

We took that master list and spent all day shopping, which usually I like grocery shopping, but this was interspersed with other errands and made the day very long.  But I have to keep in mind that this will be whittled down to one monthly haul and only one or two more trips to town for fresh produce.
But this is what I came home with from Sam's, Aldi, and Publix.(Sorry about the photo quality).  Sam's had no cheese stocked, it was all in the middle of the aisle awaiting its home, still wrapped up in the palate plastic.  Another trip will have to be made sooner than I had hoped.  But this is a work in progress, like everything else in life. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Pretzel Dough Buns

This really is just a recipe for Pretzels out of the Better Homes and Gardens red and white checkered cookbook I have had since the 1990s that I made into slider-size buns.  They tasted fine, but next time, I will try to make them bigger-real bun size. I liked this less sweet recipe better than what you sometimes get with other "pretzel buns."

Dough ready to be kneaded

Only 6 more minutes to go...

Burger Buns rising just a few more minutes

Hot dog and burger buns ready for baking #1
and a pretzel shape for fun

Boiling in salted water

Ready for egg glaze and bake #2

Ready for meat and eat!

4 c. Flour
1 pkg yeast
1 1/2 c. milk
1/4 c. sugar
2 Tb cooking oil
1 tsp. salt
3 qts boiling water
2 Tb salt
Stir 1 1/2 c. flour with yeast.  In a saucepan, heat and stir milk, oil, sugar and salt until warm (120-130 degrees).  Add to flour mix.  Beat with mixer on low for 30 seconds; then high for 3 minutes.  Turn onto floured surface and knead in enough flour to make a moderately stiff dough for about 6-8 minutes. Place in greased bowl and let rise for an hour or so.  Punch down dough, turn out on floured surface and let rest, covered, 10 more minutes.  Roll out and then shape as desired.  Bake buns at 475 for 4 minutes.  Remove from oven and lower temp to 350.  Boil water with salt until dissolved. Dip buns a couple of times and then boil 2 minutes, turning once. Drain.  Combine 1 egg and 1 Tb of water.  Brush buns.  Return to 350 oven for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.  Cool, cut and consume :)

*photos courtesy of World of Beauty Photography