Saturday, July 25, 2015

Would You Like Cheese with Your Whine

Oh, today is one of those days.  I am feverish, a bit weak, do not want to do anything.  I am blind to the hamper, kitchen sink and that was not the vacuum in the closet!  I knew something wasn't right yesterday.  I was extra lazy and dropping things, everything was twice as heavy as it should be.  You know that inkling you get before you are full on sick- 'why am I so tired today?'  That was my yesterday.  Everyone else in the family works outside of the home, daughter is in the public arena, so who knows what they could bring home.  Or it could be the wasp sting, the 20 ant bites on my foot and the mysterious cluster of hives on my forearm that are taking my immune system down.  I think it's time to get out the old herbal remedy book! A good multi-vitamin wouldn't hurt either.

These are the times I wish I could just call-in or call-out (depending on which part of the country you are from).  But, alas, the ducks won't get in the feed shed and take care of themselves, nor will the rabbits unlock their cages and refill their water bottles at the spigot.  So, I must buck up and boot up and take the next hour and quit thinking of myself. 

Who knows?  I may feel better once I get out in the sunshine.  Humph! Doubt it.


  1. The worst time to feel bad is in the summer time. Being hot and sick doesn't go well together at all, do it? Hope you're on the mend today!
