Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Laundry Lessons #1

Day 2 was not as fun as Day 1, but it never is.

The last load did fine except my dish rags did not smell as clean as I would like-not bad, but not good.  So, I am thinking of how to fix that; more time plunging probably, possibly pre-soak, splash of vinegar in the rinse.  Any suggestions?

I let Daughter sleep in since she worked late last night.  I decided to go ahead and do the laundry after feeding and watering the animals.  I had pre-soaked Son's work shirts (he works at a metal fabrication shop-the metallic smell is always in his clothes) overnight in a bucket of soapy water.

I refilled my buckets, basins and totes and added soap and went in to pick out another load to wash.  I chose colors and the new undies I bought for Hubby this weekend and out I went. I also switched my wash basin and my rinse basin #1 because the shape seemed easier for the washing.

I am not going to lie.  I am a little fatigued in my arms from my shoulders to my fingertips.  A wringer is definitely on my list.  I'm not sore by any means, but I feel...well worked out.  So my vigor was not as good as yesterday.  My mother suggested that I go barefoot and enjoy nature in all it's glory.  That sounded wonderful, so I slipped out of my flip-flops too.

Here we go.  I grabbed a shirt out of the drained pre-soak bucket.  Wait!  That's a dirty one.   I shouldn't start with that!  Well, too late, so I washed that one.  I wrung it out and threw it in the rinse basin.  Wait!  That water isn't very clear!  I didn't think about rinsing the basins after using them yesterday AND it was the wash tub from yesterday.  Errr!  So my plan to save water failed this time.  I rinsed and threw in rinse #2.  Also a bit cloudy from lack of properly cleaning after use.  I started to put in Hubby's new undies.  Wait!  That new cloth will surely put dye in the wash and I don't want to wash my tank tops in that! Whew!  Disaster averted.  So in with the less dirty clothes and plunge away.  Tra-la-la-la-la.  Ouch!!  What?!  Fire ants too close to bare feet, and on flip-flops next to said bare feet!  Errr!  I blasted my feet with the hose and even on jet setting, one ant stayed attached to my ankle.  Mean boogers!  As am I.  I blasted the biggest pile of ants where it looked like they were trying to build their mound.  I sprinkled some of my laundry detergent on there too.  I don't think they really cared, but I felt better.  I ran in and got my heavy cleaner I use in the bathroom ( diluted rubbing alcohol and ammonia), took it back out and sprayed my feet to alleviate the pain; and for fun I sprayed the ants too. 

My only choice to continue was to move to the other side of the palate, my back to the sun (booo!) and I would have to stand on the palate to reach the basins.  That was not a comfortable height.  I was not going to dump all the water, move them, and start over; it was bad enough I refilled the two rinse buckets.

So, this day of laundry was not as pleasurable as yesterday- satisfying yes, but enjoyable, not so much.  Kind of glad I washed the jeans in the washer...I did not just say that!  Yes, I did because seriously I would not be able to wring those or the large towels properly, so automatic washer for them-but still hang out to dry to keep energy consumption down. 

What did we learn today that common sense would tell most people:
Lesson 1-wash least dirty to most dirty, least dyed to most dyed
Lesson 2-rinse your basins well before and after using
Lesson 3-spray a perimeter for fire ant protection-the only poison I have to use on the farm
Lesson 4-buy a wringer when can afford
Lesson 5-make sure plunging height is right for a healthy back

Think I will take the day off tomorrow and cook instead.

ADDENDUM:  I got all of the laundry off the line and I have to say with the extra effort in time and less in speed, as well as less articles of clothing in the basin, the clothes were wonderfully clean and had a soft, elastic texture even after hanging on the line for four hours.  It was stiffer than the dryer, but softer than normal.  I like it.  I guess it could be my hands are getting chaffed too and everything feels softer.  And there were barely any wrinkles, nothing that required ironing, even my bandanas and cotton cowgirl shirt.  YES!!

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