Monday, July 20, 2015

Outside Laundry Room

In the mailbox Saturday afternoon was the little post office card letting me know that I had a package I could pick up Monday.  They don't deliver to my home because of the long winding dirt road, so we have to pick all of our over sized packages.  I couldn't decipher the sender, but I figured it was either my mobile washer or my scrub board...please be the washer, please be the washer...
Monday morning, the sun was just over the horizon and I shot outside to put together my laundry room.  I carried the palate to the flat area between the greenhouse and the clothes line and placed it gently down.  Okay, not really, it was heavy; I let it fall to the ground hoping it wouldn't tear up.  I found my two black totes that I was keeping for my wash and rinse basins.  I grabbed the 5-gallon bucket I kept in the garden as a rainwater catcher.  I could always get another one-this was important! and we haven't had that much rain.  I filled the black wash basin with a little bit of water so it could warm up in the sun just in case it was my washer at the post office. 
I went in and did some cleaning and watched the clock.  It was 8:50.  I sat down to make a small batch of laundry soap while I waited.  It might come in handy.  I grated soap and added the other ingredients and took it to my laundry soap bucket already waiting on the palate. 
9:00!!!  To the truck with post office card in hand!  Daughter came with me so she could go in.  I don't like to be in public with a tank top on and I was not changing even though this was a momentous occasion.  We hopped in the truck and drove up the driveway in 1st gear.  Gas light!  Love the movie, hate the light in the truck.  So, I had to be in public and get gas anyway.  Who cares, I am on a mission. 
After stopping at my least favorite gas station but closest to the post office, daughter went in and FINALLY came out with a huge box...oh no, it must be the scrub board.  My shoulder probably drooped a bit.  Wait.  It was light!  She was carrying it with one hand.  Maybe.  YES!!  The plunger!!
And the rest is history...well, actually, it is the future, but...
Basket of dirty clothes and my plunger
First load of dish rags ready for soaking
Washed, in first rinse, ready for second rinse
All done
 It took about 40 minutes of sun and fun but we got about what would be two "automatic" washer loads done- a load of towels and a load of darks.   Although that seems like a long time, daughter and I got a workout (particularly the arms, but even some ab work and a little legs with bending, wringing and such).  We got our vitamin D and probably a little tan.  We stayed cool enough with all the water splashing.  And we had a good time, mother and daughter just enjoying a woman's work. 

Drying in the sun
Next, is the scrub board.  The fels naptha is waiting, as am I.

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