Monday, July 20, 2015

Tuesday To-Do 7/21/15

Hmm?  I guess I missed last week.  I was trying to see if I had accomplished what I was supposed to...I guess we'll never know. 

Honestly, since the huge food haul and monthly menu idea, I have been spending most of my days cooking, cutting, chopping, freezing, thawing, and stuffing things in snack bags.   I did get my potatoes canned.  I am ready for bag #2 so I can do another 10 quarts or so. 
I mowed the garden.  I sowed seed and killed them already.  I left them out in the blazing sun and heat.  Errr!  So now I am a bit behind on that.  I really need to get some proper germination medium. Nope, not a lot of progress on any other projects, but I sure am busy.  For instance, today, I got up, took care of the animals, washed a load of laundry, hung it on the line, made more "instant" oats for hubby's work, filled the ketchup bottles with the big can from Sam's, mostly cleaned up after myself (dumped flour in the floor, spilled oats all over the counter, knocked over all the cans of tuna whilst getting the ketchup can, etc.). I mowed the garden and under the clothesline.  I got the clothes in and put away, supper made (BBQ meatballs, mashed potatoes, broccoli salad, tea), dishes done, got stung by the yellow jacket nest I found on the only remaining item on the porch except the freezer, thus hobbling everywhere.  Daughter got called into work, so I took her to work and will be picking her up in our lovely farm truck.  Paid bills and printed out receipts to put in a budget binder.  Really?  That's it.  There are so many things to get done around here and it seems like I am keeping very busy on the "womanly" duties of cooking, laundry and cleaning.  Don't get me wrong, I love it.  It is a great feeling to know that all of my husband's pants, undies and socks, less the ones he is wearing, are all clean and put away and knowing that we are having a decent meal that I prepared brings a peace to my soul.  The wasp sting however, not a fan.  There was no peace in my soul or in the neighborhood after that scream. 

AND, as you know,  I have ordered something that intrigues me-mobile washer or breathing washer, (check out this link if you are curious ) basically, it is a plunger for clothes washing.  I ordered a scrubbing board.  I am going to attempt to hand wash outside a majority of our clothes!  As I mentioned in my previous post,  I am so excited about this! Exercise, less water, less soap, vitamin D and everyone testifies to cleaner clothes.  Being in the "sunny South" I should be able to comfortably wash my clothes outside for 8-9 months out of the year.  Look out Caroline Ingalls, I am on your trail!  

So, this next week, I hope to do more outside laundry, mow a bit more of the yard, re-sow broccoli, cabbage, kale.  I want to work on building a cold frame in the front yard and sow some lettuce, spinach and radishes when that is done.  I still need to work on my path to the chicken coop.  I have totally left that alone for months! Eek!  I still have some kitchen organizing to consider, especially while hubby puts up some more drywall and creates a new wall for my "sunroom."  Otherwise, it is just keeping track of all the food in the fridge and on the menu to ensure that I do not waste anything and am keeping on track so that I do not have to go to the store for one more week for some fresh produce, milk or other items that may have been overlooked.  I have gone to the Goodwill and purchased $1.50 worth of flannel for more family clothes and have a few more put together.  I will continue to do that. 
 So far though, it is going well.


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