Thursday, July 30, 2015

Back to Bible Basics: The 10 Commandments #1

The 10 Commandments.  The rules that God gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai for all of His people to follow.  How many can you name right now?  How many have you broken? This week?  Today?  Do you think about them anymore?   I am sorry to say that I haven't for quite some time, and I think it's time that I do this.  It seems that once in a while I need to just "reboot," stop and get back to the basics for a little attitude adjustment.  I am going to look at each one and see what I need to change in my life and my thinking. 

Let's begin...

Ex. 20:3 / Deut. 5:7 (KJV) Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

That seems simple enough, doesn't it?  God is God.  God is whom I pray to.  God is...
What is the definition of a god. (according to the internet search)
a. A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.
b. The force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being.
2. A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality.
3. An image of a supernatural being; an idol.
4. One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed.
Okay, so what does it mean to worship?  To adore, feel reverence for, have devotion to. 
So do we have any "other gods" than God?  Personally?   Am I examining myself objectively?  As a family?  As a Country?  As a World? 
The bigger the population, the more I shudder to think of the answer.  
Do I attend Church regularly?  Uh, no.  I have many excuses as to why?  I can get busy on the farm.  I cannot find anything to wear.  It is true that I do insist that we wear "our Sunday best" to the House of God, but that excuse does not fly since it really comes down to vanity, doesn't it?  I "watch" my church on TV or YouTube.  Is that the best way to have fellowship?  Am I helping the Body of Christ in anyway sitting on my couch?  Am I putting my own self-importance, whatever that "reason" might be, above the Church?  Above being a member of the Body?  Is my pride acting as my god?  Is my vanity acting as my god? I don't like those questions, or more likely my answers.
How about our country and our world?  Does it seem that money rules to you, because it does to me.  We have become corrupt with our own greed.  We have made the all-mighty dollar our god.  When was the last time you "paid it forward" or told someone who did a good job to "keep the change."  Do you remember?  Do you remember how you felt?  It was a win-win, wasn't it?  Is your heart open to giving?  Not just a tithe, although that is a subject itself, but have you been led to give something to someone or even to write a letter or make a phone call, to give thought and time to someone lately? Or is your time YOUR time and too precious for such. After all, time is money.
What else do we put above God sometimes without even realizing it?  Our spouse?  Our children?  Our parents?  People are important, but not to the exclusion of the Lord.  How about our jobs?  Our leisure activities?  Do you go to church on Super Bowl Sunday night?
So, how do I ensure that God is my only God?  I have thought about this and recalled from my past experiences.  For me, it has to be reading His Word every day.  I can tell when I miss a day, which inevitably turns into weeks or months.  I need to make sure that I make prayer time. And not just a prayer while I am brushing my teeth or driving down the road.  I mean kneeling beside the bed, hands clasped, head down earnest prayer.  What about prayer before meals?  Do you do this at home? A prayer journal works great for me too.  Praises, requests, questions. I can go back and see when I asked and when he answered.  Or if I wandered off the path and what blessing has been put on hold because of it.   It can be so amazing to see how he works in this way.  I need to keep my mind free of "modern chatter."  I need to listen to others preach the Word, I need to watch movies that are Christian based.  I need to have brothers and sisters around me.  These things take work and effort.  I fall.  I get up, sometimes it takes me longer than other times.  But thankfully, my God is a patient God and knows my strengths and my weakness and uses them to teach me.  I used to be a good student...wonder what happened?
Although it seems simple, our first commandment needs to remain that-the first!  God is our only God-period.  Keep that in the forefront of your mind with every thought and every choice you make.  Piece of cake, huh?  

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