Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday To-Do 7/28/15

This past week:  I washed the laundry outside two times, once alone and once with daughter.  It took about 90 minutes both times, but of course I got a whole extra line done when daughter helped.  I am washing large towels and jeans in the washer, but everything else will be done outside every couple of days.  (Oh, and the family clothes will be in the washer too.)  I made grease patties for the bees although I did not have any essential oils to add.  I finished making the infamous family clothes from the Goodwill buy, as well as a flannel bandana for this winter and some hankies or rags  for whatever.   Hubby chopped down another oak tree and got that split to add to our pile.  I got black plastic 6 mil to start revamping the garden.  I am going to try and kill off the centipede grass and morning glories that are going hog-wild, and start again next spring.  I got all of the posts and cages out of the garden, as the tomatoes were diseased and done.  I pulled all those up tossed those as I am not sure if the blight will affect the compost pile.  I got about 1/5 of the garden covered.  I still have some peppers and green beans and cucumbers that have a chance.  As usual, most of the week was spent in the kitchen preparing meals, lunch snacks and other goodies.  I did find an extra hummingbird feeder and got that an the other one filled. 

This next week:  Again, I plan to do laundry on Monday and Thursday outside, weather permitting, using my mobile washer and new washboard-YAY!.  I plan on buying some fabric and attempt making a couple of aprons.  I have had the It's so Easy Simplicity A1223 pattern for over a year, so I think its time to buck up and sew the apron, especially as much time as I spend in the kitchen!  Then maybe I can move up to the cute ruffled aprons eventually.  Baby steps.  I have got to move all of the split wood from down the hill up to the wood pile and get that stacked and drying.  We probably won't be able to use it this winter, but it will be a good start for the next year, God willing. Of course, if the horrible heat we have endured for the past two months continues, it will be dry and ready for the fireplace. This week is payday so a menu/grocery list needs to be created.  I may revert down to a two-week menu, but honestly, if I do that, I probably don't even need anything but fresh produce and milk. But, I gotta get my Sam's fix! Sooo...  I have got to get into the bees and see how things are going, but I will need a new smoker because they are just getting angrier by the week!  I have to do what I have to do to get things checked.  I am sure other To-Do's will occur on a daily basis.

Things I really need to invest in shortly:   New smoker for bees.  New dehydrator (since my lid is gone and discontinued!).  I am thinking I will invest about $65 for one.  My last one was cheaper and did okay, but it would be nice to have something with a little more temperature control.  Can't swing an Excaliber or anything like that though.  I have looked into a solar dehydrator, but they are quite bulky outside and I am not sure where I would put one where the goats wouldn't think it was a cool new climbing apparatus, so I am staying on the grid for dehydrating presently...someday.  Fabric, thread, bobbins, cutting mat and rotary cutter are all on my wish list too.  I think I should make myself a frock for the farm.  SANTA!  I have been a good girl! Really those things I would like to invest in by the end of the August.  I know that God will provide what we need, not necessarily what we want.


  1. I found an Excalibur at a thrift shop in Williamston and it works very well. It is not the largest one; but just saying; don't give up hope.
