Friday, July 24, 2015

Food Friday 7/24/15 (no pics)

Finally, my freezer and fridge are becoming a bit less crowded.  I guess that is the only caveat of monthly menus as I move into week three-lots of "squeezing things in" and not much organization.  There has been a lot of menu jumping too.  The main point of trying this experiment is to see if money can be saved, but if I have to be strict with the menu plan, as far as this meal HAS to be on Monday and this HAS to be on Tuesday, then there will be waste undoubtedly.  So, I am trying to maneuver the meals just enough that waste is minimal, as I talked about last time, and we are squeezing every morsel for the most benefit. 
The animals are getting very little table scraps; it is very sad that they must chase grasshoppers in the yard instead of the peas that were forgotten in the fridge.  However, I do believe a rogue bunny ate half of my pepper patch just as they were coming on.  Stripped about 12 plants of all their leaves.  I will feel a small bit of satisfaction knowing that fried rabbit (not the culprit, however, as I cannot identify which one) is coming up on the menu soon.  Sorry, a bit of a rant there.
I don't have pictures to share this week. I have been obsessed with my laundry, as you might have guessed and by supper time I am too tired to hold a camera.  I just want to cook and eat and be done.  Wednesday was the only day that I took any time in the kitchen.  I got more individual pizzas in the freezer for lunches and I really do need to finish up the pepperonis I got from Sam's.  So this coming week, lots of pizzas to be frozen! It is still in the triple digits by afternoon and our home gets almost unbearable and I prefer to get in and get out of the kitchen as quickly as possible come supper time.  Outdoor kitchen would be nice too!  I have my outdoor laundry and I am already wanting an outdoor shower so let's add kitchen to this list too.  No, not just a grill either.  Hmmm.  Something to research when I can't sleep.
This is the week we are supposed to "supplement" fresh produce and milk or any forgotten items.  The only thing that I did have to buy is bread.  And that was only because I was too lazy to make any.  Proverbs 31:27 - She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.  Nope, we ate the bread of the grocery store because of my idleness.  We are out of milk, but I have made dry milk for use in recipes, which has not been that much.  I think we are doing pretty well so far.  

But, again, I have to say that the huge haul has done well for us with still plenty of meat, frozen vegetables and pantry inventory.  We still have a few tomatoes and cucumbers in the garden and the pole beans that I had to replant are blooming.  (Bunny didn't find those or was full after the pepper plants!) That has helped with fresher veggies on our plates. Daughter has been baking her sweets for desserts. Cookies and cakes, oh my! 

I will sit down some time in the next week and really look over what we spent and how it is holding up before I delve into the next monthly menu and grocery list.


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